Organization of Aix-Marseille University


PRE- Presidency
AC - Accounting Agency
VPSF - Statutory and Functional Vice-Presidents
VPD - Delegate Vice-Presidents
CP - President's Advisors
CM - Chargés de mission
DGS - Direction Générale des Services


A*MIDEX University Foundation
IMéRA Foundation


DAC - Continuous Improvement Department
DAF - Financial Affairs Department
DAJI - Legal and Institutional Affairs Department
DCP - Public Procurement Department
DCS - Culture and Society Department
DDD - Sustainable Development Department
DDPI - Real Estate Development Department
DEPIL - Real Estate and Logistics Operations Department
DIRFOR - Department of Studies
DFD - Doctoral Training Department
DHSE - Health, Safety and Environment Department
DIRCOM - Communications Department
DPCG - Steering and Management Control Department
DPMSE - Department for Partnerships with the Socio-Economic World
DRH - Human Resources Department
DRV - Research and Development Department


DIRNUM - Digital Department
DRI - International Relations Department
IIECJ - Interuniversity Institute for Jewish Studies and Culture
IMéRA - Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Research
IREM - Research Institute for Mathematics Education
MEDIAM - MEDIAMéditerranée
SCASC - Common Service for Social and Cultural Action
SCCDS - Common service for bodies donated to science
SCD - Service commun de la documentation
SCPU - Service commun des presses universitaires d'AMU (AMU University Press Common Service)
SSE - Service universitaire de Santé Etudiante (Student Health Service)
SUAPS - Service universitaire des activités physiques et sportives d'Aix-Marseille (Aix-Marseille Physical and Sports Activities University Service)
SFPC - Service de Formation Professionnelle Continue
SUL - Service universitaire des langues
SUIO - Service universitaire d'insertion et d'orientation (University insertion and orientation service)
SUMPP - Service universitaire de médecine de prévention des personnels (University medical service for personnel prevention)
UTL - Université du temps libre


Arts, letters, languages and human sciences sector
ALLSH - Faculties of arts, literature, languages and human sciences
CFMI - Centre de formation des musiciens intervenants
MMSH - Mediterranean House of Human Sciences
Law and political science
FDSP - Faculty of Law and Political Science
IMPGT - Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance
Economics and management
EJCAM - Aix-Marseille School of Journalism and Communication
FEG - Faculty of Economics and Management
IAE - Institute of Business Administration
IRT - Regional Labor Institute
Health sector
PHARMA - Faculty of Pharmacy
SMPM - Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences
Science and technology sector
FDS - Faculty of Science
FSS - Faculty of Sports Science
POLYTECH - Polytech Marseille
PYTHEAS - Institut Pythéas - Observatoire des sciences de l'univers
Multidisciplinary components
INSPE - Institut National Supérieur du Professorat et de l'Éducation (French National Institute for Higher Education)
IUT - Aix-Marseille University Institute of Technology










Documents to download
university organization
central services
shared services