AMPIRIC Seminar - Augmented reality to develop students' scientific reasoning

 un garçon portant un casque de réalité virtuelle fonctionne dans un environnement 3D interactif

Fundamental mechanisms related to reasoning and avenues for intervention in the classroom. Example of the Labo'RA partnership research project.

In the first part, Grégoire Borst will explain the fundamental mechanisms linked to reasoning and the ways to intervene in class.
Secondly, Jérémy Castera and Clémence Rougeot will present Labo'RA, a research project in partnership with the company Foxar, winner of the Creativlab 2021, aiming at measuring the impact of the use of an augmented reality tool on the scientific reasoning of students.
Finally, during a time of exchange, the contributions of science didactics and developmental psychology will enrich the reflection on the development of scientific reasoning of students.

For more details, see the poster of this seminar on fundamental learning.

To register: click on the useful link "REGISTRATION".

Contact information

Mathilde FAVIER - AMPIRIC Project Manager -

Augmented reality
Scientific reasoning
Partnership research