Suppliers of works contracts

What is the procedure for submitting an invoice related to a work contract? details in the table below

You are

You send your invoice to

Circuit and format of the invoice


Holder of the contract

Outside Chorus pro (to be agreed with the contractor)

In PDF format


Contract agent

Outside Chorus pro (to be agreed with the agent)

In PDF format

Contractor with EPC

External project manager

Outside Chorus pro (to be agree with the EPC)

In PDF format


Aix-Marseille University

Via Chorus Pro on the AMU account (SIRET 13001533200013)

Invoicing frame to be selected : A5

PDF format including in a single file for each expected payment*:

1. General statement of progress,

2. Progress report of the situation concerning the supplier (subcontractor / co-contractor) who will be paid,

3. Invoice of the supplier (contractor, subcontractor / co-contractor, ...).

Contractor without EPC

Aix-Marseille University

Via Chorus Pro on the AMU account (SIRET 13001533200013)

Invoicing frame to be selected : A5

PDF format including in a single file for each expected payment*:

1. General statement of progress,

2. Progress report of the situation concerning the supplier (subcontractor / co-contractor) who will be paid,

3. Invoice of the supplier (contractor, subcontractor / co-contractor, ...).

* For example: if the general situation of the progress report (part n° 1) provides for the payment of 4 companies of all types (holder, subcontractor, co-contractor, ...), then it will be necessary to make 4 successive deposits of a single file per payee and containing the 3 documents

Assistance - Filing an invoice for a works contract

Refer to the contract identity sheet (contact the department that placed your order)

chorus pro
invoicing service
accounting agency