Summer intensive courses

étudiants des stages d'été du SUL dans des champs de lavande

Take our intensive French language and culture courses in Provence this summer!

The SUL organises every summer 2-week French language and culture courses; spread over 4 sessions, between May 27th and September 6th, 2024, for a total of 40 hours of training.

Placement tests (to harmonise language levels between groups) are organised before each session and are compulsory for new students. They are usually conducted online.
For more information on the language levels, see the downloadable file (opposite) "SUL_Référentiel des niveaux de langue A1 à B2" (in French).

Summer 2024 sessions

Find out more about the detailed program and organization in the downloadable file "Stage d'été 2024 - Organisation" (in French).

Dates 2024

Summer 2024 sessions will be offered either on-site (face-to-face) or remotely (online).
A cultural outing is organised during the on-site sessions.

  • 1st session: From May 27th to June 7th: Online       
  • 2nd session: From June 17th to June 28th: On-site  
  • 3rd session: From July 1st to July 12th: On-site        
  • 4th session: From August 26th to September 6: On-site   

Inscriptions are closed for this year.

Registration fees:

Per course of 40 hours of French language training:

  • Online course: 500€
  • On-site course with cultural outing: 550€

Presentation of the summer courses: main principles

  • The summer courses focus on the discovery of Provençal culture (songs, gastronomy, oenology, artistic heritage, writers and artists, summer events in the region, regional language, etc.), this point could be the subject of an exchange between the teachers.
  • The program is based on 20 hours of classes per week, including a compulsory excursion on Wednesday. This outing will be the subject of class work (before and/or after), language activities on the day and an evaluation (and very demanding teamwork).
  • For each session, the French language and culture courses are spread over two weeks, with approximately 4 hours of classes per day.
  • A course syllabus will be distributed to students. A transcript with a grade per competency will be obtained if students have been diligent. Attendance in all courses is mandatory for the transcript to be issued.

More details and information in the files to download (opposite).

Contact information

Contact form (heading "Annual/semester courses FLE (DU)")


Entrée du campus vers le bâtiment Porte


SUL - Pôle FLE (Aix - Schuman site)
Building T3-Porte
29, avenue Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1

- Reception / student office 2.13 (2nd floor)
Tel. +33 (0)4 13 55 32 14 or 04 13 94 62 21
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-12:30pm and 1:30pm-4:30pm

Access map(how to come)

summer internship, summer courses
summer intensive course, summer intensive course
French courses, French courses
intensive FLE courses
SUL courses
French course