France 2030 - PANORAMA project


PANORAMA (Pour l'Accompagnement à l'Orientation et à la Réussite à Aix-Marseille, Avignon et Toulon), a winner of the France 2030 investment program, is one of AMU's 6 structuring projects. Its aim is to provide high-school students with practical, diversified support in their orientation towards higher education.

The PANORAMA project aims to set up an integrated ecosystem for the guidance of high school students in the Aix-Marseille and Var regions. Each year, the project offers information, support and immersion activities for high-school students, as well as meetings with secondary-school players in the context of the bac-3/bac+3 articulation, in close collaboration with the universities of Avignon and Toulon and other guidance and integration players in the region.

This region is characterized by both a large high school population and a highly diverse range of students. This ecosystem will draw on the experience we have already acquired to offer all high-school students practical, tailor-made guidance services. It will be guided by 4 fundamental principles:

  • Strengthening the self-esteem, confidence and autonomy of high-school students, with particular attention to disadvantaged and "remote" groups;
  • Emphasize the value of setting an example by encouraging contact between high-school students and students and young professionals;
  • Prioritize face-to-face courses to provide guidance as close as possible to high-school students, while also encouraging their use of the most useful digital resources;
  • Adopt a co-construction approach, closely involving teams from high schools and higher education establishments, regional and national guidance players, as well as the socio-economic players in our region.

The core of the PANORAMA project is centered around 5 actions aimed at providing high school students with human, concrete and diversified support in their orientation towards higher education. These actions have been developed based on our region's experience in this field, and to respond to the 3 main issues that condition a successful orientation:

  • "Informing me about the possibilities", with 2 actions aimed at deploying local information sessions in high schools and their neighborhoods (action no. 1) and developing theuse of digital resources dedicated to career guidance by relying more on the practices and digital tools favored by high school students (action no. 2);
  • "Be accompanied and supported in my thinking", with workshops designed to help students develop their career guidance skills (action no. 3);
  • "Project myself concretely into the future", thanks to immersion programs in higher education to discover courses and student life in situ (action no. 4), and immersion in local businesses, with meetings and role-playing games (action no. 5).

In addition, a cross-functional action aimed at local players (e.g. teachers, librarians, CPEs, AEDs, psy ENs) will enable us to animate the guidance community throughout our region, and gradually enrich the systems supported by the project. The aim of this action is to support innovative initiatives proposed by local high schools, and to organize exchange workshops between secondary and higher education players. 
The deployment of the project is based on a collaborative approach to ensure the overall coherence of activities across the region. Priority is given to high schools with a high proportion of REP/REP+ students, and high schools located far from major university centers.

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Contact information

Scientific and Technical Manager

Project Officer

Project identity card
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Project namePANORAMA
Supported byAix-Marseille Université
Year of accreditation2020
Total budget21 million euros
France 2030 grant7.5 million euros
Project partners

Avignon Université, Université de Toulon, Centrale Marseille, Science Po Aix, PACA education authority, Région Sud PACA, AFEV, Article 1, Cap au Nord Entreprendre, CPME 13, Sortie d'Amphi, Association Elles bougent, EDF, Visionari, 100,000 entrepreneurs, Jobirl, Info jeunes PACA, Cité des métiers de Marseille et de PACA

France 2030
Territories of educational innovation
Local higher education guidance systems
PANORAMA project
Pour l'Accompagnement à l'Orientation et à la Réussite