Mobilities in Latin America

Study with Aix-Marseille Université in Latin America

Please consult the catalog of destinations by using the filters (by choosing the department and/or the country). Please contact your campus DRI or component SRI mobility manager for more information.

Specific exchange programs with Brazil:

The REARI network (Rede das Assessorias Internacionais das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Rio de Janeiro)

This is an exchange program open to all AMU students who can go to the Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro or to one of the 12 member universities located in Rio.

What are the prerequisites?

  • To be registered at Aix-Marseille Université the year before the mobility.
  • Minimum level of study: to hold a Bachelor's degree/DUT/BUT at the time of departure.
  • Language requirements defined by each member of the network (level of Portuguese, level of English, GPA to be checked before applying)

What is the calendar?

Fall semester: Beginning of August until mid-December
Spring semester: March/April to the end of July

Please contact your campus DRI or component SRI mobility manager for more information.

Country specificities

Equivalences between the French university systems

The first university cycle corresponds to the Pos-Graduaço cycle:
- Bacharelado: 4 years
- Licenciatura: 3 years
- Formacion tecnologica: 2 to 3 years, more specific training to be done in professional institutes.
The second and third university cycles are represented by Graduaçao:
- Mestrado: 2 to 4 years after the Licenciatura. Equivalent to a Master's degree with the possibility of specializing at the end of the course.
- Doutourado: 4 to 6 years after the Mestrado.

Administrative procedures after admission

To apply for a visa, you must contact the consulate of the country concerned. You will then have to fill out a file. For example, for a student visa to Brazil (VITEM IV), the required documents include
- The completed and signed visa application form
- A passport, check the date of validity, some countries require the passport to be valid for six months after the date of return
- An original letter from the host institution (the acceptance letter that will arrive once the partner has validated your file)
- Proof of means of support during your stay
- Certificate of non-criminal registration (no criminal record)

Health issues

It is necessary to take special health precautions to travel to certain countries. Also, certain vaccinations are sometimes mandatory or strongly recommended. Find out more on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institut Pasteur.

Our advice :
- Remember to scan and make photocopies of all documents.
- Prudence and common sense are the key words. In cities, the main problem is common delinquency.
- Know the places that are safe and the places to avoid. Follow the advice of the locals.

Galerie d'images

Vue de Guatapé Colombie. Façades et traditions colorées.


University exchanges
Latin America