The project "Fortifications in all their states. Mises en défenses et tissu urbain en mutation entre Méditerranée et Balkans à partir de l'exemple d'Amphissa (VIe s. av. J.-C. XXe s. ap. J.-C.)" (MEDTUM) has been financed by the Institute of Mediterranean Archaeology ARKAIA within the framework of the call for projects "Amorce" 2021 (end of the activities: December 2021). It is co-financed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Arscan laboratory.

The project concerns a transdisciplinary and trans-period study of the relationship between fortification and urban fabric at the contact of the Mediterranean and Balkan areas from Antiquity to the contemporary period. This study will focus on the city of Amphissa.

Due to its geographical location, Amphissa was, from antiquity to the twentieth century, a crossroads between the axes that structured "East" and "West" exchanges (via the Gulf of Corinth and Itea) and a North-South/South-East land network (via the coastal plains and the Gravia Pass), which linked the southern Balkan peninsula to the North Aegean world and, beyond, to the North Balkan and the Danube. If such a site was an opportunity for its inhabitants, it also presented a risk, since Amphissa interested the great powers of all times, which sought to control the region.

The Amphissa project has already received initial funding through the MMSH cross-cutting projects. The funding of this initial field research has enabled us to obtain funding from the EFA and the MEAE.

The objective now is to synthesize all of the architectural surveys on the fortifications and the urban fabric that have been produced, the data from the field study and the dating results obtained from the analysis of the wood preserved in the masonry, into a general GIS of the city.

Galerie d'images
Kastro d'Amphissa (Grèce)
Kastro d'Amphissa (Grèce)
Kastro d'Amphissa (Grèce)
Kastro d'Amphissa (Grèce)
Kastro d'Amphissa (Grèce)
Contact information

Stéphanie Zugmeyer (AMU - IRAA)
David Ollivier (CNRS - LA3M)
Nicolas Faucherre (AMU - LA3M)


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Greek architecture