IMI's mission is to support the members of the IRPHE, IUSTI, LMA and M2P2 laboratories in their research and training mission.

The Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (IMI) officially started on 1 January 2020 and is financially and administratively supported by A*MIDEX.
It has the following objectives:

  • to strengthen the training-research link
  • to support research in the laboratories
  • improve the attractiveness of training courses
  • to develop international relations
  • to strengthen links with the socio-economic world


Ampoule éclairé  White" calls for projects

As part of its support for research carried out in the laboratories, the institute launches calls for white projects: these calls aim to support research, international collaborations and the training-research link.


loupe candidat  Recruitment of post-doctoral students

IMI will propose some funding for post-doctoral students. A "Human Resources" AAP will be launched by asking laboratory members to submit postdoc subjects. Inter-laboratory subjects will be favoured and a teaching component will be encouraged. The subjects will then be studied by the scientific council and selected in number of 6, leaving 1 month to the researchers to find their respective candidates. The Institute Council will then meet to rank the subject/candidate tandems (thus forming a main list and a complementary list).


Halle technologique  Actions towards the platforms

Actions are planned to develop and create platforms (research and pedagogical) in the institute. The development of pedagogical actions on platforms will be particularly emphasized. A working group bringing together platform actors (representatives from Polytech and the mechanics department but also ECM teachers) has been initiated and is already working on this project.


Patchwork goutte d'eau  Run-of-the-river actions

In addition to the calls for projects, certain actions may give rise to accompaniment along the waterway. The actions thus proposed are :

  • The organization of thematic days: we invite researchers and teacher-researchers to submit requests for support for the organization of thematic days, on the format of the federation's day (internal short presentations + 2 or 3 external guests). The organizing committee should include representatives from different laboratories.
  • Financial support for laboratory internships.

Application form for internship support (doc)

  • Support for symposia.
  • Support for international actions (setting up international projects, hosting foreign researchers, etc.).

Application form for hosting a foreign researcher (doc)

  • Support of communication actions towards the general public and the school public (funding of missions, communication supports, demonstration experiences). 
  • The setting up of industry / laboratory exchange days to strengthen links with socio-economic partners...
  • ...

For any request, we invite you to contact the management :

Contact information
Run-of-the-river actions
AAP, Postdoc Recruitment, Actions to platforms
Support for internships, support for symposia, support for international actions
Thematic days, hosting guest researchers
IMI Researchers