Initial training

Description of the action and nature of the main expected results
This action aims at transforming the training offer in a curricular approach, in coherence with the approach by competences already generalized within the Inspé by encompassing at the same time the competences targeted by the program, the teaching methods and the way of evaluation.

New UE 3 developed in connection with the various researches implemented in the framework of the pole

The objective of these courses is to offer training in and through research for future teachers, and to help improve pedagogical practices, with a view to improving the basic learning of students.

- Innovative pedagogical practices
- Cooperation between research and the field: bringing communities of practice to life
- the CréativLab: co-producing educational resources


Description of the action and nature of the main expected results
This action aims at transforming the training offer in a curricular approach, in coherence with the approach by competences already generalized within the Inspé by including at the same time the competences targeted by the program, the teaching methods and the way of evaluation. The curricular approach will make it possible to improve the coherence of training by aiming at a triple level of mastery: of disciplinary knowledge, of the teaching of this knowledge and of the role of the teacher in the educational system. It will also strengthen the continuum between initial training, continuing education at the beginning of one's career and continuing education by ensuring a better distribution of the components of this training over the entire curriculum, starting with the Bachelor's degree (3 years of Bachelor's degree, 2 years of Master's degree and 2 years of support for entry into the profession).

The main results expected from this action are :

  • A better knowledge of the students on the reality of the profession they choose and the path to follow to get there, thanks to a more coherent initial training, a reinforced accompaniment and modules of "discovery" of the profession,
  • Stronger professionalization of future and new teachers in order to prepare them for the challenges they will face, especially during the first years of their career, thanks to reinforced support and a university-field alternation.
  • A wider appropriation by teachers of proven resources and methods to improve student performance in basic learning.

The construction of a new offer allows for the enrichment of training modules centered on the teaching of basic learning. It benefits from a stronger link to research (in conjunction with research teams) to promote understanding of the impact of practices on learning. It also benefits from a strong link to the field (within the training institutions of the academic networks) to support the construction of innovative and effective practices.


Useful links











Action 1
Initial Training