Foresight and interdisciplinarity

Père qui tient la main de son enfant

"Foresight and Projections: a critical and interdisciplinary approach in the Humanities and Social Sciences".

Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences sheds light on the social processes and changes that the Mediterranean basin will be facing in the short and medium term, be they political-economic, demographic, legal, migratory or climatic. The elaboration of scenarios in the Humanities and Social Sciences - thanks to scientific reflection based on empirical studies bringing together historians, politicians, demographers, geographers, sociologists, statisticians, specialists in cultural areas - provides keys to reading on the current issues with the academic world, political decision-makers, the general public and the associative sector.


The Institute "Mediterranean Societies in Transition", (SoMuM) coordinates a committee for prospective reflection in the Humanities and Social Sciences, both intersectorial and international. This committee pilots a series of scientific meetings associating foreign academic partners specialized in foresight issues, foundations and associations of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region. It is also based on a close partnership with research platforms hosted by the Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'Homme: the Observatoire démographique de la Méditerranée and the Plateforme Universitaire de Données d'Aix-Marseille Université pour les études méditerranéennes. Students at Master and PhD level benefit from the fruit of the work of this "Foresight and Projections" committee, through an introduction to the prospective approach in the Human Sciences and methodological training in this field.

Humanities and Social Sciences
Foresight and Projections