FLE-AMU courses

Cours de FLE

French as a Foreign Language (FLE) course, 30 hours per semester, for foreign students at Aix-Marseille University, open to the public (face-to-face and distance learning).

1. Description

These courses are open to all non-French-speaking adults (students, employees or others) holding at least the equivalent of a baccalauréat (high school diploma), as well as to all foreign students at AMU, through their home departments, research laboratories, the doctoral training department or the Direction des relations internationales (DRI).
Students on international exchange programs managed by the DRI can also consult the COURS FLE-DRI page.

These take place 3 hours a week over 10-week sessions (total: 30 hours, except for students on exchange programs), during both semesters of the academic year.


There are four levels of French:

  • Beginner (basic A0 to A1)
  • Elementary (A1 to A2)
  • Intermediate (A2 to B1)
  • Advanced French (B1+ to B2+/C1/C2)

For each level, several options are available to the student, depending on the predefined timetable (available at the start of each session, see "Documents to download" on the right of this page).
These courses are held in two ways:
- face-to-face: 1 session of 3 hours per week, from 5 to 8 pm in Aix or Marseille
- distance learning: 2 sessions per week of 1h30 on time slots between 6 and 7:30 pm


Face-to-face courses take place at the following Aix-Marseille Université campuses:

    • Campus 29 Schuman (SUL-Pôle FLE).
      See the access map
    • Campus Saint-Charles (SUL-CARLAM).
      See the access map

Room and timetable details are updated before each session on this page.

DATES 2024-2025 :

  • 1st SESSION
    • From September 23 to December 6, 2024
    • The timetable can be consulted in Documents to download ("FLE-AMU course timetable 1st session 2024/25").
    • NEW : The list of FLE-AMU students with their level, group, timetable and location is now available in "Documents to download" (opposite or at the bottom of this page).
  • 2nd SESSION
    • January 27 to April 4, 2025*
      • Registrations open until December 15, 2024.
  • 3rd SESSION
    • May 12 to July 19, 2025*
      • Registrations open until April 05, 2025.

* No classes during SUL vacations or on public holidays: See the SUL Calendar (under Holidays).

2. Registration procedure

Enrollments are made directly with the SUL secretariat or by contacting the secretariat via the contact form (under"AMU FLE Courses") and must be completed by the start of the course.

Documents to be provided : 
- completed registration form (in "Documents to download" opposite)
- passport or residence permit
- copy of equivalent baccalaureate diploma.

Payment by cheque or bank transfer (see information on 2nd page of registration form).

3. Fees

  • Individual fees: €375
  • AMU user fee: €300
  • AMU students on DRI exchange programs, those attached to a component (Faculty, Institute, etc.), a research laboratory or the Doctoral Training Department, benefit from financial support provided they are registered by these various organizations.

Once enrolled, students take a test to determine the level best suited to them.
They then choose the place and times of their teaching.

4. Evaluation

If students attend all courses, they can earn 4 ECTS credits (to be confirmed with the component).
Students eligible for these credits are required to use the 7Speaking platform for 9 hours of FLE self-study. The Centre de Ressources en Langues AMU (CARLAM, 63 Canebière, Marseille 1er) is in charge of monitoring this learning process.

Upon request, we will issue a certificate indicating the level "in progress".

NOTE: FLE-AMU courses do not qualify for a visa, as the number of hours is insufficient (only 30 hours per session).

Contact information

Contact form (section "COURS FLE-AMU")


Entrée du campus vers le bâtiment Porte


SUL - Pôle FLE (Aix Schuman)
Bâtiment T3-Porte
29, avenue Robert Schuman
13621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1

- Reception/school: office 2.13 (2nd floor)
Tel. +33 (0)4 13 55 32 18
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm

Access map (how to get there)

SUL - CARLAM (Marseille)
Campus Saint-Charles
(Bâtiment 5, escalier 3, 2e étage, bloc C)
3, place Victor Hugo (case 81)

tel. +33 (0)4 13 55 00 80

Access map (how to get there)

French courses for foreign students
French evening courses, French online courses
short courses in french
French courses for all