Exchange students' housing offer

tuile logements etudiants internationaux

As an international student admitted to an exchange program, Aix-Marseille University offers you priority booking of a room in a CROUS residence (Aix-Marseille University's public partner organization) for the duration of your stay. These accommodations are located near the different university campuses. Since the conditions for accessing housing are particularly difficult in France, we strongly advise you to use this service.
In order to benefit from this service, please follow the steps below.

Before leaving

Step 1: Inform your manager and fill out the Welcome form

  1. Contact your campus mobility manager and inform him or her of your wish to benefit from the CROUS room reservation service.
  2. You will also need to indicate this on the "Accueil" form that you will be asked to complete online after your admission.
Please note that you will not have a choice of residence or room and that assignments are made on a first come, first served basis.

Step 2: Confirmation

After receiving your application, your campus mobility manager will inform you of the procedure to follow.

  1. For an arrival in the 1st semester: end of June
  2. For a 2nd semester arrival: during December

If you do not accept the offer of a room at the CROUS, it is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to find accommodation in the city. You can find information on the web page dedicated to housing.

Step 3 : CROUS room reservation process

Creation of your MSE account

Log on to the website mes services étudiants and create a personal account. You will then obtain a National Student ID number (INE). This number is composed of 10 digits + 1 letter or 9 digits + 2 letters

Sending your INE number to your mobility manager

Send your INE number to your mobility manager by e-mail as soon as possible.

Receipt of the reservation proposal

The CROUS will send you an e-mail with a room reservation proposal.

As soon as you receive this email, you have 120 hours (5 days) to accept or refuse this proposal.

We remind you that you do not have the choice of your residence or your room. However, our services will do their best to ensure that you are housed as close to your campus as possible.

Acceptance of the CROUS proposal

Acceptance of the room offer requires an online payment of 100€ as a rent advance. This payment is mandatory to validate the reservation of the accommodation.
You can make the payment by credit card or ask a third party to do it for you by "transferring the payment".

If you refuse the offer, you must then take the necessary steps to find accommodation in the city. Find out more on the web page dedicated to housing.

Putting together your rental file

Then, before you arrive, fill out your rental file online on the My Student Services website. The completion of your file is an essential step for the delivery of the keys. If your file is not complete, the CROUS receptionist will not be able to give you your keys.
The following documents are required

  • Certificate of civil liability insurance (damage caused to a third party) and home insurance (minimum coverage for fire, water damage, fire, theft) for the entire duration of your stay (from the day of arrival to the day of departure)
  • CROUS information form with handwritten signature
  • Certificate from the VISALE guarantor or physical guarantor
  • School certificate or acceptance letter
  • Valid identification document

Take advantage of attractive rates on your insurance policies with our partners HEYME and ADH

Organization of your arrival

Contact the CROUS residence/city where you have your reservation in order to organize your arrival (date/time).

Upon your arrival in France

Delivery of your key

Go directly to the reception desk of your CROUS residence hall, making sure beforehand that your online rental file is complete. The receptionist will give you the key and will check the condition of your room with you.

CROUS residences reception desk: Monday to Friday, before 5pm.
Closed after 5pm and on weekends.

To find out about administrative procedures, contact your campus mobility manager.

Your commitment as a CROUS room tenant

As a tenant of a CROUS room, you are committed to

  • Reside in your university housing during the entire period of your study stay at Aix-Marseille University
  • Please note that you will not be reimbursed in case of early departure, except in case of force majeure.
  • Do not stay in your room beyond the expiration date of your lease.

Extension of the semester

Any request to extend your study stay does not automatically imply authorization to extend your stay in the university residence. Check with your Campus Mobility Manager to arrange a possible extension of your stay in residence.



Exchange program
CROUS Residence
International mobility