Consular procedures

Visa illustration

Depending on your country of origin and the program you will be attending at AMU, you may need to complete certain consular procedures.

The main steps to follow

Whether you are an international student on a degree program or an exchange program, you may need to take certain consular steps depending on your country of origin.

  1. Step 1 : Get information
  2. Step 2 : Apply for a visa
  3. Step 3 : Validate your visa
  4. Step 4 : Renew your visa and apply for a residence permit

Do you have any questions? Go to the Visa FAQ!

Step 1 : Before leaving, get informed !

Students from the European Union or the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland

Students from the European Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland do not need to go through any special consular procedures. However, they must have an identity card (or passport) valid for the entire duration of their stay.

Students from outside the European Union or outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland

Make a simulation with the visa wizard of the France Visas website. Depending on your country of residence and your project, you will know in a few minutes if you need to apply for a visa.

Step 2: Apply for a visa

You must take the first steps to obtain the necessary authorizations for your stay in France well in advance. Without a visa and a valid passport, you will not be able to come and study at our university, so this is an essential step!

The VISA most often granted is the Long Stay Visa with a Residence Permit (VLS-TS) mentioning "student". The long stay visa has a limited duration of between 4 months and one year. You must therefore validate or apply for a residence permit at the prefecture or sub-prefecture to continue your stay beyond the validity of your visa (see step 3).

There are other types of visas. Use the visa wizard on the France Visas website to find out which visa is right for you.

Please note that when applying for a visa, you will have to prove that you have sufficient resources to support yourself in France. The amount officially required by the French authorities is 615 € per month.

logo studely
Studely is a partner of Aix-Marseille University and can help you to give more weight to your visa application by creating a bank account domiciled in France and by setting up permanent and irrevocable bank transfer orders, or AVI (Attestation de virement Irrévocable sur compte bancaire bloqué). You can then attach this unique proof of resources to your visa application.
There is a fee for this service.





Procedure for students who have applied via the Etudes en France platform

To apply for your visa, you must complete your application online on the Etudes en France (EeF) platform. If you are in one of the three following situations, click on the "I have been accepted" tab and follow the online instructions:

  • student accepted into an exchange program
  • student accepted by an institution not on the application
  • Applicants who have received one or more EeF electronic acceptances for the last step of their application (preparation of the visa application)

Procedure for students who did not apply via the Etudes en France platform

If you do not apply through the Etudes en France procedure, you can obtain your visa by contacting the French embassy or consulate in your country of origin. Find out more on the France Visa website.

Step 3: Validate your visa upon arrival in France

Within 3 months of your arrival in France, you must validate your VLS-TS and pay a fee in addition to the visa fee.

The procedure is to be done online on the website of the Ministry of the Interior.
At the end of the procedure, you will receive an email with the confirmation of the validation of your visa. This email will summarize your information and will give you a personal number that can be requested in your future migration procedures. Keep it safe!

Step 4: Renew your visa and apply for a residence permit

If you wish to extend your stay in France beyond the validity of your visa, you must apply for a residence permit at the prefecture within 2 months before the expiration of your VLS/TS.

Please note that if you have a student VLS-TS permit, you can apply for a temporary student residence permit (valid for 1 year) or a multi-year student permit (valid for 2 to 4 years).

Applications to renew your residence permit are made online on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. The "I am applying for or renewing a residence permit" tab. Students must pick up their residence permit in person at the prefectural services only when summoned.

Contact information

For all questions related to student mobility in a degree program, we invite you to contact us via the Helpdesk if you have not found the answer to your question on this page or in our FAQ.

For all questions related to student mobility in exchange programs, we invite you to contact your campus mobility manager. You can find their contact information in the Student Mobility section.

Would you like to join the community of international students at Aix-Marseille University? Visit us on facebook !

International students
Consular procedures
Residence permits
International mobility