CANCELLED Partnership Aix-Marseille Université and College of Osteopathy of Provence Aix-Marseille


Aix-Marseille Université (AMU) and the Collège Ostéopathique de Provence Aix-Marseille (COP) are embarking on a collaboration that will contribute to the well-being of the university's staff and the development of the skills of the trainees at the Collège Ostéopathique de Provence.

A partnership agreement will be signed on 2 November 2020, in the presence of Éric Berton, President of AMU, Professor Christine Poplimont, Deputy Vice-President ALLSH, Jean-Louis Moro, Vice-President Quality of Life at Work and Student Life, Lionel Nicod, Vice-President Training, Eric Valério, Deputy Vice-President for Continuing Education and Work-linked Training, and Gilles Davin, Managing Director of the COP Aix-Marseille.

This partnership between Aix-Marseille Université and the Collège Ostéopathique de Provence Aix-Marseille is divided into two parts:

  • As part of AMU's Quality of Life at Work policy, staff will be able to benefit from osteopathic care free of charge in the COP's two care centres in Aix and Marseille.
  • In return, the trainees of the Collège Ostéopathique de Provence Aix-Marseille (COP) who wish to become more professional, can integrate the professional master 2 mention Education Sciences, course 3 "Training Engineering", of the Faculty of Arts, Letters, Languages and Human Sciences (ALLSH), directed by Professor Christine Poplimont.

Through this project, President Eric Berton is implementing a key action of his programme: to contribute to improving the well-being of employees, in particular by helping them to take care of their health. The Aix-Marseille University Continuing Vocational Training Service (SFPC) has supported the project, and acts as a liaison between the various players in this partnership.
Due to the current health situation, limited gauges, respect of barrier gestures and wearing of masks is mandatory.

press release