March 8, International Women's Rights Day

8 mars
8 mars Journée internationale des droits des femmes [Description]

8 mars Journée internationale des droits des femmes

Since 2020, Aix Marseille University has strongly reinforced an ambitious action plan to promote equality, inclusion and diversity.
Throughout the year, the Vice Presidency for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination raises awareness, informs and trains students and staff, supports research and animates the various campuses.
Strong in its convictions, Aix-Marseille University is particularly involved with institutions on national and international days, such as March 8, International Women's Rights Day.
Discover the program!

Between the conference 'Gender & Management: a resistant glass ceiling', short film screenings on gender stereotypes in education, solidarity and exploratory walks through the city, a show as part of the annual Forum'Femmes debout, Femmes en résistance' of the Camp des Milles Foundation, self-defense workshops in the BUs, an exhibition of student productions'Les valeurs de la République contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles', the program is varied to allow everyone to join in the Women's Rights Day.

Discover our program in attachment.

We are waiting for many of you.

8 mars actions Vice Présidence Eaglité Femmes Hommes AMU [Description]

8 mars actions Vice Présidence Eaglité Femmes Hommes AMU

March 8
international women's rights day
gender equality stereotypes
shares aix marseille university march 8, 2022
gender management glass ceiling