DREAM-U project: a look back at the multidisciplinary research school on student success and autonomy

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This first edition of the multi-disciplinary research school on student success and autonomy, organized as part of the structuring DREAM-U* project, took place from June 13 to 16, 2023 at the Aix-Marseille Université Luminy campus and brought together some 50 participants. The event brought together researchers, pedagogical engineers and students interested in the subject from various universities in France, Belgium and Canada, providing a platform for exchange and reflection on different approaches to student success and autonomy.

The first day, coordinated by Pierre Bellet, began with a lecture by Sophie Kennel entitled "L'ingénierie pédagogique: un levier vers la réussite étudiante?" (Pedagogical engineering: a lever for student success?), focusing on the different pedagogical methods likely to promote student success. The rest of the day was devoted to a series of expert presentations on pedagogical engineering, with Florie Brangé, Christophe Batier, Stephen Lede and Anna Beliaeff providing a variety of perspectives on the profession. The day concluded with a welcome cocktail, giving participants the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas informally.

The second day began with a tour of the Luminy campus, enabling participants to discover the infrastructure and resources available. This was followed by a poster session, giving researchers the opportunity to present their work in relation to the school's theme. The second course of the day, led by Mickaël de Clercq, focused on representations of student success, examining the different perceptions linked to this concept. Finally, a workshop led by Alice Constans tackled the same theme, allowing for more interactive and in-depth exchanges.

The third day began with a lecture by Alban Roblez on autonomy coaching, highlighting the different strategies and approaches to helping students develop their autonomy in their studies. Following this, Robin de Sousa led a workshop on the same theme, offering participants an opportunity to put into practice the concepts discussed during the course. The afternoon was devoted to a course entitled "Innovative and empowering learning spaces", organized by Didier Paquelin, who explored the possibilities offered by modern learning environments. Workshops on this theme were then organized by Amadou Diop and Laurent Jeannin, enabling participants to discuss and exchange innovative teaching and learning practices. The day ended with a tour of downtown Marseille, followed by a convivial dinner to discover the local culture.

The fourth and final day of the research school was devoted to the theme of "Transforming training into skills", led by Catherine Loisy. The course looked at approaches for aligning training programs with the skills sought by society at large. Afterwards, Margarita Auli Giraldo led an in-depth workshop on this theme, inviting participants to reflect and share their experiences and ideas. Participants rounded off the day with a visit to the Morgiou calanque for a moment of relaxation and appreciation of the surrounding nature.

The multidisciplinary research school on student success and autonomy was an enriching opportunity to share knowledge, explore innovative ideas and establish links with other researchers and students interested in the subject. The various courses, workshops and discussions enabled in-depth reflection on strategies, approaches and issues related to student success and autonomy. This experience has undoubtedly contributed to the enrichment of knowledge and the promotion of research in this field of education.

A look back at the first edition in pictures (photo and video credits, Alain Emeric, DREAM-U):

Useful links

More information on AMU's structuring project DREAM-U

Find out more about the event and the speakers' presentations: https: //ecoledreamu.sciencesconf.org/

*About DREAM-U: The DREAM-U project (Dessine ton paRcours vers la rEussite à Aix-Marseille Université), winner of the France 2030 investment program, is one of the 6 structuring projects of Aix-Marseille University that support its strategy of transforming education, research and innovation. Through DREAM-U, AMU aims to promote student success by developing their autonomy. The project is designed to change the architecture of the range of courses on offer by proposing modular curricula and the development of cross-disciplinary teaching, and to strengthen support for students from the moment they join the university through individualized follow-up and mentoring schemes. It continues to transform teaching practices through digital technology and to support teachers in the implementation of active teaching methods. Finally, DREAM-U continually assesses its impact through quality management and is developing a field-based research program.

France 2030