Liste des sujets financés par l'Institut dans le cadre du recrutement de post-doctorants

AAP « post-doctorants » 2020

L' institut finance trois post-doctorants pour une durée de 12 mois à partir d'octobre 2020. Les post-doctorants participeront également à des séquences d'enseignement qui peuvent avoir des formes multiples : encadrements de projets ou de stagiaires, participation à des séquences d'enseignement à des niveaux avancés (M2 et doctorat), séminaires de présentation de leur activité de recherche à un public étudiant.

Projets et Porteurs  Candidat recruté et description du sujet

Deployment of architectured membranes for biomedical application

sujet encadré par Joel MARTHELOT (IUSTI), Cédric BELLIS & Stéphane BOURGEOIS (LMA)

candidat sélectionné M. Victor CHARPENTIER (Princeton, USA)

Elastic sheets with mesoscale architecture obtained by folding or cutting have recently drawn considerable interest in the mechanics and engineering community. The cuts and features can be tailored to allow the sheets to morph into complex three dimensional shapes with unusual mechanical characteristics such as auxeticity, deployability and programmable non-linear properties.The main objective of the project is twofold: to identify and build a fundamental understanding of the ​mechanical response of hyperelastic membranes with architected cut patterns on the one hand and to transfer the resulting tunable mechanisms to prototypes for more reliable compliant medical devices​ on the other hand (…)

Experimental/numerical investigation of hydrogen-air flames propagating in thin layer vessels

sujet encadré par Christophe ALMARCHA (IRPHE) & Pierre BOIVIN (M2P2)

candidat sélectionné M.Balakrishnan ARAVIND (IIT Bombay, INDE) / venue annulée

The scientific consensus on the necessity to reduce the greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2),tends to ban the use of carbon-based fossil energy. This leads to intense research on alternative sources of energy. One of the most promising is hydrogen, but it rises questions in terms of safety and control that need to be clarified in order to use it in domestic, transportation and industrial processes (…)fluides The scientific consensus on the necessity to reduce the greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2),tends to ban the use of carbon-based fossil energy. This leads to intense research on alternative sources of energy. One of the most promising is hydrogen, but it rises questions in terms of safety and control that need to be clarified in order to use it in domestic, transportation and industrial processes (…)

Ultrasound for probing the microstructure in sheared concentrated suspensions

sujet encadré par Emilie FRANCESCHINI (LMA) & Laurence BERGOUGNOUX (IUSTI)

candidate sélectionnée Mme Marie POULAIN-ZARCOS (IMFT & IMRCP, Toulouse)

Complex fluids are ubiquitous in nature and in industry: biological fluids (blood, mucus), erosion sludge or industrial pastes. From a theoretical point of view, the characterization of these media is confronted firstly to the huge variety of particle size and shape that compose them, and secondly to the coupling between the macroscopic and microscopic scales: the flow is controlled by the spatial distribution of the particles (i.e., the microstructure of the suspension), but the macroscopic flow back-acts and modifies this microstructure. From an experimental point of view, it is crucial to develop tools to investigate the microstructure of concentrated suspensions. The use of optical methods is limited to diluted suspensions or transparent concentrated suspensions (by using an iso-index technique) that are not representative of natural or industrial conditions (…)

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