The Franco-Chinese Institute WUT-AMU, Wuhan University of Technology

WUT-AMU Echange étudiants et doctorante

Created in 2019 by the joint will of Aix-Marseille University and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT), the WUT-AMU Franco-Chinese Institute is a Chinese-French cooperative educational institution of public utility (IFC) enjoying the status of a non-independent and non-profit legal entity. This project is part of AMU's strategy of internationalization of teaching and research and aims to increase the visibility and attractiveness of AMU in China.

Double degree programs

The partnership established between Aix-Marseille University and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) is the result of a common desire to participate in the emergence of double-degree programs in Life Sciences, Microbiology and Health Biology through a bilingual and innovative training framework.

The WUT-AMU institute offers three double-degree courses:

At the end of the validation of their studies, the students will obtain the diplomas of the two partner universities.

The forecasted number of students until 2023 is :

  • 150 students maximum in Bachelor's degree per academic year
  • 20 students maximum in Master per academic year

Students will have the opportunity to study (in Bachelor's degree) and to do internships (in Master's degree), according to the capacities defined annually within the laboratories and the study programs of AMU.

Several hundred Chinese students will be trained in various science specialties, according to French higher education criteria. A new pool of thesis students will thus be created. In the long term, this partnership should encourage the attraction of excellent Chinese doctoral students to AMU and the development of partnerships in the field of research.

About Wuhan, a vast network of quality universities
Wuhan, a city of 13 million inhabitants, is a very Francophile city. More than 150 French companies are located in Wuhan and offer professional opportunities for graduate students. With more than 4.5 million students in its district (Hubei, Hunan and Jiangxi provinces), Wuhan is the 3rd largest university center in China with more than 70 universities!
Galerie d'images
Inauguration des locaux de l'Institut WUT-AMU
Cérémonie de signature des conventions - 11 juin 2021
Cours en amphi à l’institut WUT-AMU
Useful links

French Consulate in Wuhan / Visit to WUT on April 27, 2022

Wuhan University of Technology (WUT)

Logo WUT

French Embassy in China / Franco-Chinese Institutes

Video presentation of WUT

Genesis of the partnership

  • 2014: Signature of a first agreement
  • June 25, 2018: Official signing ceremony of the framework cooperation agreement for the creation of the WUT-AMU Institute.
  • February 2019 : Official opening of the WUT-AMU Institute
  • Start of the training courses, taught in French and Chinese.
  • June 2021: Signature by Presidents Eric BERTON and Qingjie ZHANG of two pedagogical and financial implementation agreements based on the 2018 Framework Agreement. Instruction within the AMU authorities aiming at the creation of Double-Diploma of Bachelor's and Master's degrees within the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Medical and Paramedical Sciences.
China - Students - Science - Double Degree
Double Degree