PHARMA - Faculty of Pharmacy

1. Presentation

The Faculty of Pharmacy trains all professions in pharmacy, pharmacy, industry, hospital, and also research. Access to studies is through the PACES competition, with a numerus clausus defined each year by ministerial decree. The courses are given according to the LMD scheme and the choice of specialisation is made from the 4th year onwards. The course takes place over a period of 6 to 9 years depending on the chosen path and leads to the award of the State Doctorate.

The Faculty of Pharmacy has always been committed to the professionalization of its training courses, with a strong emphasis on internships and practical training from the second year onwards. It implements the various reforms in line with changes in the business lines. It relies on the exceptional network of pharmacies and its strong relationships with the Conseil de l'Ordre, hospital structures and industry. After a rigorous and highly specialized training, the pharmacist is the specialist in drugs and health products. It thus has its rightful place in hospital institutions and is developing an increasing activity in the field of research, particularly through internships.

Through its partnerships, the Faculty offers its students the opportunity to validate a double curriculum (engineering school, business school, regulatory affairs, etc.) opening up all branches of the pharmaceutical industry. The Faculty of Pharmacy offers a challenging curriculum with varied and assured opportunities. It also strives to offer the widest possible range of continuing training.

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