OCEAN Objectives

Tuile objectifs


The Ocean Sciences Institute coordinates education, capacity building and research excellence actions aimed at achieving the following objectives :

  • Objective 1 : Enhance Interdisciplinary science contributing to the digital blue transition of the ocean and water knowledge system to better understand, observe and forecast the health and risks to our hydrosphere and coastal areas.
  • Objective 2 : Create an international ocean literacy coalition, building on our common heritage and contribute to improved governance and decision making processes.
  • Objective 3 : Promote science supporting sustainable blue economy solutions for circularity and climate neutrality.
  • Objective 4 : Encourage research excellence to regenerate oceans and end pollution through monitoring assessment and effective implementation of innovative prevention, elimination and remediation measures from source to sea.
  • Objective 5 : Support the piloting and test of ground breaking research to effectively govern, monitor protect and restore ocean biodiversity under adverse climate and anthropogenic pressures
  • These objectives are directly linked to achieving the Starfish mission targets and address 4 Ocean Sciences challenges.


Contact information


Kalliope Pediaditi - Project Manager of the Institute of Ocean Sciences AMU - (OCEAN)

Richard Sempéré - Director of the Institute of Ocean Sciences AMU - (OCEAN)

AMU Institute of Ocean Sciences OCEAN
OCEAN Objectives
Research excellence actions