Making a success of my studies, my project

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Do you need a quiet place to work or computer equipment to get the job done? Do you need help to succeed? Would you like help with your career planning?

  • BUs and faculties can provide you with workspaces, access to computer rooms and loan computer equipment.
  • School departments can put you in touch with your year supervisors, who will suggest solutions (tutors, support, work methodology). 
  • The SUIO is your point of contact for all questions relating to your academic and professional project, and will help you with your orientation, career planning and integration.
  • You can develop your language skills with the Service Universitaire des Langues - SUL. It also houses the CARLAM ( Centre d'autoformation et de ressources en langues ), which offers a range of language courses to complement initial training.
  • If you'd like to study abroad as part of your university course, DRI can help you with your mobility plans. 
  • If you have a disability, Mission Handicap, in collaboration with the school departments, can arrange for your studies and/or exams to be accommodated. 
  • If you are a student employee or a top-level athlete, you can apply to your school for accommodation. If you are a student artist, you can apply for an RSE (régime spécial d'études) by contacting the DCS or your school.