
Being a trainee in ITEM

ITEM's added value: the organization of meetings and exchanges to promote interdisciplinarity and to encourage the development of personal and professional networks (reflections on interdisciplinarity, climate mural....). As a springboard for the future, these internships and the accompanying model are assets for students who are pursuing a thesis or on the road to working life.

Meetings 2022: April 25, May 9 and 16

Interns in the spotlight:
Meetings with researchers,
Participation in the Annual Days, Reflections on Interdisciplinarity, Climate Mural ......

Words of trainees: "I wanted to thank you for the organization of the ITEM days and workshop, especially for allowing me to meet the other trainees and to have been able to function in interdisciplinarity. It is really very enriching and motivating to be able to participate in this kind of event. The fact that we were among trainees also allowed us to dare to express ourselves more easily (which is sometimes difficult when facing experts in their field).
The atmosphere and the welcome were really perfect. The workshops, especially the climate mural, were very interesting and I am very happy to have been able to learn new things outside my field. It is also very enriching to see that research is very important but even more so when it mixes several fields such as sciences, psychologists, lawyers.
It was a great experience.

Being a trainee in ITEM ?
It is the assurance to work alongside researchers and specialists

On key issues related to the environmental transition, and to benefit from interdisciplinary partnerships.
You will be assigned to one of our 13 research laboratories in the physical, natural, human, legal and social sciences.

This is an opportunity to participate in the collective construction of the Environmental Transition

By considering the contribution of each discipline or sector in the search for solutions to society's problems, taking into account their contributions in order to bring about a major change and anticipate changes

It is, for some, to prepare the pursuit of a thesis

Many high-level scientists have completed an internship in one of our laboratories.

For the vast majority, it is the assurance of preparing to join the workforce

By participating in conferences, workshops, and summer schools

Contact information

ITEM Project Leader: Sophie Pekar

Environmental Transition