IRT - Regional Labour Institute

1. Presentation

Created in 1960, the main mission of the Regional Labour Institute is to make a university contribution to the training of members of trade union organisations in the form of internships or study sessions developed by a multidisciplinary team of teacher-researchers (mainly in law, economics and sociology of work).

For several years now, the IRT has diversified its training policy by organising - in partnership with the PACA DIRECCTE - information and training actions for employees working in companies, and by developing - as an approved body - the training of employee representatives. The Institute does not award a diploma, but it does set up a VAE programme with SUFA (in particular in the exercise of trade union mandates or staff representatives), and short training modules. It also collaborates with other AMU entities, in particular for the training of occupational physicians or occupational health nurses.

In parallel, the IRT organises study days on topical subjects and undertakes research work based on training themes within the framework of the Regional Work Pole (in which AMU also includes the LEST and the Ergology Institute), but also at the request of its trade union interlocutors or the State services responsible for employment and labour policy in the region. In addition to this very strong regional presence, the Institute participates in the Network of National Institutes of Labour (10 in total), where medium-term cooperation projects are being developed, particularly those with the CPU.

Finally, the journal published by the IRT since 1988 took a new direction in 2011 under the title "Chroniques du Travail", thus becoming a multidisciplinary journal applied to the field of work and aimed at making visible the advances in social science research.

regional labour institute