France 2030 - COMMONS


COMMONS is a facility that builds a unified digital environment accessible through a range of services linking data and publications. It is fully in line with the logic and objectives of implementing the principles of open science in the field of Human and Social Sciences.

COMMONS optimizes, through better articulation and greater interoperability, the services designed within the framework of the collaborations already in place between the three infrastructures Huma-Num, Métopes and OpenEdition, and through the creation of new services in order to intensify their use by simplifying the user's appropriation of this environment.

It concerns the entire life cycle of the digital document, from data to publication, including the digital tools that enable processing and restitution, ensuring that the whole is F (easy to find), A (accessible), I (interoperable) and R (reusable).

COMMONS is designed to profoundly transform the practices involved in the research cycle and their societal impact. Through the intensification of uses, it increases the international visibility of Human and Social Sciences.

The project is structured around three main axes:

- the FAIRisation of data ;
- the opening of publications and data and their linking
- the development of the skills of producers and users.

It will benefit several actors and communities:

- scientific communities
- publishers and data producers
- academic users
- research funding bodies
- scientific policy steering bodies via committees, observatories, professional networks (GO FAIR, COSO, EOSC)
- mediators towards society
- socio-economic actors and citizens

Contact information

AMU representative in the project

Scientific and Technical Manager

Project Manager

Identity card of the project
logo France 2030
DIRCOM - Logo AMU Couleur CMJN (PNG)
Name of the project COMMONS
Project operator French National Research Agency
Project leader OpenEdition
Year of labelling 2021
Project start/end 2021 - 2029
Total budget 31 million euros
Grant France 2030 11 million Euros
Project partners

IR* Huma-Num (UAR 3598) and IR Metopes

France 2030
Open science
open science