Call for projects France 2030

The operators of France 2030,included Program Investissements d'Avenir:

Find on this page of the Secrétariat général pour l'investissement SGPI all the current calls for projects and calls for expressions of interest of the PIA and France 2030, classified by theme:

Note: The State designates operators for the PIA France 2030 actions. These operators are responsible for organizing the selection, agreement, financing, monitoring, audits, evaluation and impact of projects and actions of the programs in their field of competence.

The calls for projects are published by each of the operators.
Here are the links to the main operators:

ANR: ANR is the main state operator for the management of France 2030 in the field of higher education and research

BPIfrance: Bpifrance is the central operator of the financing of the Future Investment Program for French startups, SMEs and ETIs.

The Banque des territoires is the main operator of the State for the management of France 2030 for projects for local authorities and administration.

ADEME: ADEME is the operator in charge of innovation to accelerate the ecological and environmental transition.

Calls for projects
Peogramme investissement d'avenir
France 2030