Call for equipment

This call for proposals concerns research projects that are the result of actions that have already been initiated between the UMRs that make up AMUtech but that need to be strengthened, or that propose new subjects with risk-taking that can benefit from cross-fertilization of skills between the UMRs of the Institute.
The call is open until September 17, 2021.

To be eligible for this call :

  • The project must be in adequacy with the themes of the institute recalled in the form of key words (considered in their various meanings) in the following table and involve at least 2 UMR members of the AMUtech institute:
Axes/Themes Smart Materials Optronics
Energy conversion and storage



Nano Photovoltaic

Functionalization and adaptation

Modified graphene,

Covalent networks

Meta surfaces,

Meta materials



Sensitive chemistry

Nano-structured surfaces,


Heterogeneous integration

2D stacks,

Hybrid semiconductors,

Flexible electronics

Electron/photon coupling in nano-heterostructures,

Nanophotonic Materials


Four projects will be funded with a maximum of 25 k€ each.
The funding request must respect the following distribution: 15 to 20 k€ in investment expenses and 5 to 10 k€ in operating expenses.


The call for projects is open until September 17, 2021 and the application procedures are available in the attached document.



Documents to download
Contact information

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Call for projects