PIA 3: obtaining the PANORAMA project

Communiqué de Presse AMU Obtention du projet PANORAMA

In response to the call for projects of the PIA 3 "Territoires d'Innovation Pédagogique" of the Caisse des Dépôts, the project PANORAMA - Pour l'AccompagNement à l'Orientation et à la Réussite à Aix-Marseille Avignon et Toulon - was co-constructed by Aix-Marseille University and a large consortium of partners : Rectorates of Aix-Marseille and Nice, Avignon University, University of Toulon, Sciences Po-Aix, Centrale Marseille; the South Region, Campus des Métiers et des Qualifications, ONISEP; the associations AFEV, Article 1, Sortie d'Amphi, Elles bougent, Cap au Nord Entreprendre; CPME 13, EDF, and Visionari.
This project has just been selected and approved, obtaining 7.5 million euros in funding over the next 10 years.

PANORAMA complements the PIA 3 NCU projects, of which the 3 partner universities are already winners, in order to better articulate secondary and higher education in a bac-3/bac+3 logic and improve student success.

This project is based on the creation of an integrated ecosystem for the orientation of high school students in the Aix-Marseille and Var academy. This area is characterized by a large high school population and a very high diversity of audiences. This ecosystem will be based on the experience of the partners to offer everyone concrete and adapted guidance systems.

PANORAMA proposes a systemic response to the needs of high school students and their families. 6 actions aim to provide them with human, concrete and diversified support to facilitate and enlighten their orientation towards higher education. They are designed to better take into account the 3 main issues that condition a successful orientation: information on possibilities (local information and digital resources adapted to the uses of young people), guidance and support in reflection (student mentoring systems and workshops to develop orientation skills), and projection into the future (immersion in higher education and in companies).

In addition, 2 cross-cutting actions will enable the guidance community to be animated and the project's systems to be progressively enriched in order to reinforce their impact.

The deployment of PANORAMA over 10 years is based on a resolutely experimental approach giving priority to disadvantaged and remote groups. During the first 3 years, the actions will be targeted as a priority on high schools with a high proportion of students from REP / REP + and on high schools far from major university centres.
Before being deployed throughout the country, they will be subject to an in-depth evaluation based on an "Academic Observatory of Pathways to Success" and a "Monitoring and Evaluation Committee" associating the laboratories of the SFERE-Provence network and experts from outside the university on guidance issues.

press release
call for projects