International Study Days - Vulnerabilities, resistance, social recognition (October 11-12, 2023)

illustration pour Journées d’étude internationales – Vulnérabilités, résistances, reconnaissances sociales (11-12 octobre 2023)
© Pixabay

The Institut SoMuM (Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée) is organizing two international study days on the theme of "Vulnérabilités, résistances, reconnaissances sociales" (Vulnerabilities, resistance, social recognition), in conjunction with the affiliated laboratories CNE, LEST, LPED, IREMAM, MESOPOLHIS, PRISM, the ED 355 doctoral school, the sociology department of Aix Marseille Université, and the ECUMUS laboratory of the Sfax FLSHS (Faculté Langues et Sciences humaines et sociales).

In the presence of the Association internationale des sociologues de langue française (AISLF) and special guest, sociologist Serge Paugam, on the occasion of the publication of his book L'attachement social.Formes et fondements de la solidarité humaine (Éditions du Seuil, 2023).

Against a backdrop of growing social, economic, political and environmental uncertainties, we need to take stock of what we know about their effects in terms of vulnerability, resistance and recognition. A major challenge for the human and social sciences, and for sociology in particular, is to provide keys to understanding the social transitions that are sweeping through societies and reshaping them, while shedding light on the diversity of modes of commitment and action, from the most discreet to the most violent. The aim of these international days is to revisit the notions of vulnerability, resistance and social recognition, and their complementarity, on different objects of study and in different countries, based on the analysis of profound recent transformations affecting the social body. Vulnerability in particular will be studied from three angles: public action, which is making it an increasingly prominent category in policies to individualize social action; the mobilization of collectives working for the recognition of rights; and the ordinary experience of populations in survival who face it on a daily basis.

Round tables and workshops are organized with contributions from members of the Research Committees and Working Groups of the AISLF (Association internationale des Sociologues de Langue française): Sociologie de l'environnement (CR 23), Éducation, formation, socialisation (CR7), Film et recherche en sciences sociales (GT 06) Éducation et diversité (GT 13), Héritage et patrimoine (GT 14), Résistance ordinaire et reconnaissance sociale (GT 34 with the ECUMUS FLSHS-Sfax laboratory).

October 11 and 12, 2023

Campus Schuman, Le Cube, 29 Avenue Robert Schuman, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France

Sociology students and researchers, socio-economic and cultural players ...

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social recognition