Identifying the birds on my campus - second week of spring

Chardonneret élégant Carduelis carduelis

To all AMU students and staff:
From May 23 to June 3, to contribute to the knowledge of biodiversity, let's identify the BIRDS on our AMU campuses together. Even if you have less than half an hour in total to devote to this task, this time will be welcome.
The Excel sheet "Birds data entry sheet May-June 22" accessible via this page will allow you to group your observations. Use the drop-down menus when they are available. You can send it to me by e-mail:
A synthesis of the observations started in October 2021 will be made for September 2022

The mission of Biodiv'AMU is to make students and staff aware of the richness of biodiversity on their campus. With the naked eye or at best equipped with binoculars or a spyglass, the world of birds is easily accessible.

Common birds are a major biodiversity issue, with a loss of over 30% of their numbers in recent years. Four weeks will be dedicated to them on our campuses:

Fall Week: October 18 - 24, 21, past

Winter week: January 24 - February 4, 22, past

Spring Week 1: March 21 - April 1, 22

Spring Week 2: May 23 - June 3, 22

You do not need to be an expert to contribute. The data collection sheet allows for approximations. Feel free to attach even poor photos if you are unsure about the species. Team up with colleagues to benefit from the knowledge of the more experienced. Don't forget to indicate at the top of the sheet the total time of observation so that the data can be prorated to the time spent as it is usual.

Data from all AMU campuses will be aggregated and available to all. Once validated, they will be transferred to the national inventories. Contributor badges will be awarded to you according to your investment. The global report will be available at the end of the academic year.

Some of my photos below give you a small idea of the common species that you can find on our campuses at the end of October but the list is far from being exhaustive.

Mésange charbonnière - Parus major
Pinson des arbres mâle - Fringilla coelebs
Mésange huppée - Lophophanes cristatus
Mésange bleue - Cyanistes caruleus
Fauvette mélanocéphale mâle - Curruca melanocephala
Fauvette à tête noire mâle - Sylvia atricapilla
Merle noir mâle - Turdus merula
Rouge-queue noir mâle - Phoenicurus ochruros
Epervier d'Europe - Accipiter nisus
Verdier d'Europe mâle - Chloris chloris
Choucas des tours - Coloeus monedula
Mésange noire - Periparus ater
Tarin des aulnes mâle - Spinus spinus
Tarin des aulnes femelle - Spinus spinus
Tourterelle turque - Streptopelia decaocto
Goéland leucophée Larus michahellis
Rougegorge familier - Erithacus rubecula
Pouillot véloce Phylloscopus collybita
Mésange à longue queue ou orite Aegithalos caudatus
Pivert Picus viridis
Pipits farlouse Anthus pratensis
Rouge-queue noir femelle Phoenicurus ochruros
Serin cini
Huppe fasciée Upupa epops
MIlan noir Milvus migrans
Guêpier d'Europe Merops apiaster
Useful links

The site (free) is a mine to help you identify, you can also hear the calls and songs:

The BirdNET application (free) is useful to identify species by their songs

The "old" Peterson's guide of the birds of France and Europe, always republished, remains the reference for the slightly initiated public:

From the same publisher, I recommend for experts this new expert guide of ornitho:

Contact information

Pascal Carlier, teacher-researcher, ethologist, in charge of the Biodiv'AMU mission, administrator of the Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature (SNPN)

Thank you for sending me your Excel files of data - proposed on this site - to my email address:

AMU campus
participatory sciences
second week of spring