AMU INFO - Special COVID19 - n°11

Newsletter from the President of Aix-Marseille University to the entire university community.

Tuesday 05 May 2020,

Dear all,

The date for national deconfinement is approaching. As I wrote to you earlier, our Business Resumption Plan (BRP) within AMU will be very progressive and on a voluntary basis for the vast majority of functions. Teleworking remains the rule. Your health and that of your family and friends is the priority.
Therefore, our PRA includes the maximum health measures to protect us while resuming, in progressive stages and for a limited number of staff, our essential missions in a more "normal" framework.

From next week onwards, respecting barrier gestures and physical distancing measures will become even more important than today. In addition, masks will have to be worn in certain situations.
I thank you to remain attentive to these instructions, for the good of all.

Always take great care of yourself.

1. Business resumption plan: the main principles in 3 phases

First of all, I remind you that remote work remains the rule.

Only about 10% of the total number of AMU staff is brought back to work on site because their activities are impossible or very complicated to carry out remotely. Each team leader identified these colleagues and activities in a survey conducted last week.
Therefore, it will be these colleagues who will be the first to return to the offices and laboratories.

I remind you that on May 11th, no one will be accepted on site, except the staff in charge of the logistics of the recovery plan who will be working all week long.
Please wait for your supervisor's instructions; he or she will soon inform you of the date of your return, if you are concerned.

The deconfinement, very progressive, will be done in 3 phases leading up to the summer holidays:

  • Phase 1 - from May 11 to May 18 - is devoted to preparing for the reopening of the sites. The only presence authorized will therefore be linked to this organizational necessity: installation of plexiglass protections on the public reception areas, installation of hydroalcoholic gel containers, marking on the ground of physical distance, installation of signs, posting of sanitary measures. The organization of the distribution of barrier masks and return schedules (for very few staff, so you will have understood) are already underway.
  • Phase 2 - from 18 May to 1 June - will be devoted to consolidating telework and organising the partial resumption of face-to-face activities, for a slightly larger number of staff than in phase 1, and on a voluntary basis.
  • Phase 3 - from 2 June until further notice - will see a further increase in the number of face-to-face staff, on a voluntary basis and organised by each component, within the limits of what is reasonable in order to be able to comply with health safety rules at all times. Distance working will therefore continue to be the rule.

2. Disaster recovery plan: additional criteria

Your return on site will be organised by your component or your management and will be linked to the consideration of many elements:

  • From the date on which we are and the health reality on that date.
  • Volunteer work that you have indicated to your superior, subject to operational requirements.
  • The resumption of school and the care of your children.
  • Of your means of displacement to come to work. The people moving on foot, by bicycle or in private vehicle will have priority to resume in presence.
  • Maintaining the confinement of vulnerable people or those whose state of health is not compatible with the health situation - according to the opinion of the health authorities or, failing that, the prevention doctor or the attending physician.
  • The confinement of any person experiencing any symptoms of VIDOC-19 or direct contact with people with these symptoms.
  • Compliance with barrier measures and gestures, in particular the rule of social distancing between two agents, andregular hand washing requiring sufficient stocks of soap, hydro-alcoholic gel, cleaning of the premises between shifts in the same office                       and

We have set up campus crisis cells led by the Deans of Security to implement and adapt these common measures to our university. It is of course similar for the central services.

As you will have understood, our PRA is prudent and takes into account our public service needs, your willingness to work in the classroom and the health measures that are still necessary for everyone.

I count on you to keep your positive thoughts and your spirit of solidarity with our university and our entire community.

Take great care of yourself and of everyone else.

Éric Berton

President of Aix-Marseille University

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You will find all the issues of AMU Info on COVID19 by going to this page

Eric Berton
AMU Info 11
Information for staff and students
coronavirus covid19
PRA business recovery