Aix-Marseille University is back to school in 2022 - 2023!

DIRCOM-CP-AMU fait sa rentrée 2022-2023

Aix-Marseille University has a full slate of projects for the new academic year in all its disciplines, particularly in the fields of oceanography, immunology, health and mathematics.

A thorough reflection on its future research laboratories is also underway with the five-year contract that will soon be signed with the State.
With all the disciplines of the National Committee of Universities, this year promises to be innovative and enriching for AMU!

This new academic year is also marked by mutual aid and support for students. In the inflationary context that we are experiencing, AMU, in collaboration with its student associations, is maintaining the assistance it provided during the health crisis: food distribution, housing assistance in partnership with the Crous, hygiene assistance.

You will find in the document at the top right the dates for the start of the school year for the 80,000 students according to their courses at Aix-Marseille University.

university dates
back to school
aix-marseille university