3rd Franco-German Forum and launch of the IMéRA Albert Hirschman chair

CP 3eme Forum-FrancoAllemand-ChaireImera

From Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 March will be held the 3rd Franco-German Mediterranean Forum "Between Memories and Stories: How to make a common world? "During this event, the Albert Hirschman Chair will be launched in the presence of Eric Berton, President of Aix-Marseille University, Denis Bertin, President of IMéRA and Thierry Fabre, Director of IMéRA's Mediterranean Programme.

Free admission

The aim of this third forum is to bring France and Germany even closer together so that these two European countries can make the most of their common experiences and past to transpose and adapt them to the conflict situations in the Mediterranean basin. Mixing eventful histories and vivid memories, the aim is to create a common path between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

Wednesday 4 to Friday 6 March - 3rd Franco-German Mediterranean Forum
Sciences Po, Aix-en-Provence and IMéRA, Marseille

The forum will take place from 4 to 6 March 2020, in Aix-en-Provence at Sciences Po Aix (4 and 5 March) and in Marseille at IMéRA, (6 March).

Program to download on the right.

Friday, March 6th - Launch of the Albert Hirschman Chair
IMéRA - 2 place Le Verrier 13004 Marseille

On the last day of the forum, the Albert Hirschman Chair will be inaugurated on the issue of "identity passions, between Europe and the Mediterranean".

The Aix-Marseille-University Initiative for Excellence, AMIDEX, has already confirmed its agreement to finance the creation and launch of this Albert Hirschman Chair, and the first holder will thus be able to be welcomed in Marseille in 2021.
But we must go further and make the Albert Hirschman Chair a real international project and in particular a project that is emblematic of Franco-German intellectual and scientific cooperation. Links are also to be imagined with major American foundations or universities, where Albert Hirschman taught.

Albert O. Hirschman is a major figure and a singular character. A Jewish intellectual from Berlin who took refuge in France after 1933 to escape Nazi persecution, he was Varian Fry's assistant between 1940 and 1941 in Marseilles with the "Emergency rescue committee" where he helped evacuate some of the greatest personalities, intellectuals, artists and scientists, in search of "transit", as Anna Seghers would say, when they were threatened. This allowed them to be saved and to take refuge in the United States during the war. This passage through Marseille and the decisive role of Albert Hirschman remain little known until today. He is the author of many books that have had worldwide impact, such as "Exit, voice and loyalty", about decision theory, "The Passions and The Interests", and "A Propensity to Self-Subversion".