Integration events for exchange students

Welcome to the page dedicated to the integration of international exchange students. Every year, Aix-Marseille Université's International Relations Department organizes integration activities for students coming on exchange for a semester or a full year.

Integration program

Every year, Aix-Marseille Université welcomes over 700 exchange students from all over the world. Traditionally, before the start of each academic year, activities are organized to help students integrate into their university environment and the local community.

Integration week

In the first semester, an integration week is organized by the International Relations Department. Students are invited to take part in cultural and social activities every afternoon.
The aim of these few days is to enable international students who have just arrived in France to discover the university's various services, and to familiarize themselves with the campuses and the area in which they will be working throughout their stay at AMU.


Find out more about the 2024 activities program!

Social activities

In the second semester, a social day is organized to enable new exchange students to meet each other and those from the previous semester to get together!

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Useful links

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Contact information

Do you have a question about our integration activities?
Don't hesitate to ask your mobility manager.

Exchange students