Call for projects of the Institute "Mediterranean Societies in Transition".

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The "Mediterranean Societies in Transition" Institute finances research projects on "Changes in societies of yesterday, today and tomorrow".

The institute "Mediterranean Societies in Transition" (SoMuM) supports innovative research in the Humanities and Social Sciences, favouring interdisciplinarity. Within the framework of several waves of calls for projects on the topic of "Mutations", the Institute finances collaborative research projects lasting 18 months, coordinated by teams within its perimeter and falling within one of its three scientific axes.

The Institute is an appropriate framework for grasping the issue of mutations in an exploratory, interdisciplinary and critical manner. The Mediterranean space and its interconnections are  considered as fertile ground for experimentation and problematization in order to study the various processes in their historicized context, at work at the time of emerging changes, turning points, crises or longer periods of transition.

Proposals that reflect simultaneously on temporalities between past, present and future, are most appreciated. They provide keys to understanding the expected and unexpected effects and challenges in societies, democratic or not, depending on the actors and practices, on the territories and the weight of cultural legacies. Empirical and unpublished research cross-references the scales of analysis and highlights comparative fields and creative investigative approaches. They can question the difficulties of the researcher to study a shifting world between the realms of experience and expectation, and his or her share of responsibility in the construction of new representations of the world.

Eligibility requirements

  • Coordination of the project by a laboratory within the perimeter of the Institute; the involvement of a second laboratory within the Institute is recommended.
  • Inclusion of the project in one of the Institute's three scientific axes.
  • Enhancement of the training-research link.
  • Publication at the end of the project.

Allocated budgets

  • 3 to 12 K€ per project, for a duration of 18 months.
Contact information
Humanities and Social Sciences
Call for Proposals
Societies, territories, legacies
Mutations, transitions, crises
Temporalities, prospective