Grading system

schéma des études

The ECTS system

University courses in France are divided into semesters and teaching units (UE) composed of one or more learning activities.
Each semester, students who obtain a sufficient grade in the different exams and/or validate the competences to be acquired for each UE obtain in return European credits (ECTS, European Credit Transfer System). Each UE has a value defined in European credits and these credits can be capitalized.

1 semester = 30 credits
An academic year is therefore composed of 60 credits

The ECTS system guarantees the academic recognition of studies carried out abroad. It facilitates student mobility, whether from one country to another or between institutions in the same country.

Thanks to this system, exchange students at Aix-Marseille University can obtain credits during their study stay and then have them validated on their return to their home university. Conversely, Aix-Marseille University students can also go on exchange to another country and integrate their mobility into their course thanks to the recognition of ECTS credits obtained abroad.

This recognition is ensured by:

  • The establishment before departure of a study programme approved bilaterally by the home and host institutions. This programme clearly indicates the ECTS credits that will be awarded when the students have passed the tests (exams, evaluation, etc.).
  • The establishment of a transcript of records clearly showing the academic results obtained, transferable from one institution to another.
Grading system
International mobility