ISFIN - Mobilite Doctorale - AAP SRIM - Lausanne

Study of coherent fluctuating structures in the RAID helicon plasma device at the Swiss Plasma Centre, EPFL.


Nom Laboratoire Mobilité Pays Laboratoire

Surabhi Aggarwal

PIIM 3 mois Lausanne, Suisse Swiss Plasma Center - EPFL

The purpose of my mobility was to conduct an experimental campaign on the RAID device at Swiss Plasma Centre in order to investigate the occurrence of coherent fluctuations and characteristics and to apply the analytical model currently being developed to investigate the stability of MISTRAL (a linear plasma device at PIIM laboratory to study cross field plasmas) plasmas to RAID plasma conditions. The key distinction between the two devices is that MISTRAL employs a DC discharge to produce plasma from a hot electron beam whereas RAID uses high-power helicon sources. This provided me an opportunity to work on a linear plasma device having a different source configuration and thus different characteristics from that of MISTRAL.  

I measured the plasma characteristics (number density, electron temperature, plasma potential, and floating potential) using the Langmuir probe diagnostic available on the RAID device. We find out that in order to apply our model to the RAID plasma, one of the fundamental assumptions used in the model needs to be removed which can be one of the future perspectives of my current work. It was a great experience to work in a completely new environment. Additionally, it gave me the opportunity to see research from a wider perspective, especially when conducted in a foreign nation with a distinct culture.

However, since it was the summer period (June-August) and I lost a few days of work since some of the individuals I was meant to work with were on vacation, the timing of the mobility was not ideal. Apart from that, everything goes well, and it was an entirely different sort of experience.
Since EPFL is housed in Lausanne, Switzerland, I got the opportunity to explore this picturesque region, which was a visual feast. The people in the laboratory were very welcoming and helpful. It took very little time to feel at ease in the new surroundings. 
