2021-2023 action plan for professional equality between women and men


The preparation of the 2021-2023 action plan was an opportunity for Aix-Marseille University (AMU) to take stock of all the actions already implemented in favor of professional equality between women and men. This review allowed us to renew and reinforce certain actions, to propose improvements for others, and also to plan new actions for the next three years. At the beginning of December 2020, several working groups were set up with members representing the university's services, components and staff, and with the active participation of the trade unions. A CSR steering committee was set up, involving the Human Resources Department, the Vice-Presidents in charge of human resources, quality of life at work (QWL), health and disability, and gender equality and anti-discrimination, to coordinate the various issues. All the actions proposed in this plan are concrete and operational, accompanied by monitoring and evaluation indicators defined in collaboration with the Quality vice-presidency, are subject to strong institutional support guaranteeing their implementation (human and financial resources, recognition and enhancement of the work done, communication strategy), and have been designed to be consistent with each other.


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This 2021-2023 action plan for gender equality in the workplace translates this strong desire to change the situation into concrete and effective actions, based in particular on the results of scientific research, and is divided into the following five areas:


1. Governance of the equality policy

2. Assessment, prevention and treatment of pay gaps

3. Ensuring equal access for women and men to bodies, grades and jobs

4. Personal and professional life balance

5. Fight against sexual and gender-based violence, harassment and discrimination

17 actions aiming to define the priorities for action, to ensure theoperationality of the plan, toimprove itand to make it live in practice.

They are grouped into 5 ambitions:

  • Develop a professional equality action plan within AMU and support its implementation
  • Strengthen statistical knowledge of the comparative situation of women and men, evaluate and monitor actions taken in the area of professional equality
  • Promote the equal investment of women and men in social dialogue
  • Empowering management on professional equality
  • Improve coordination with our partners

Examples of actions (extract from the full document)

The plan sets out the results of the diagnosis carried out on the basis of the tool provided by the DGAFP for permanent employees, supplemented by specific studies, in particular on the ancillary remuneration of permanent employees and on the remuneration of contractual employees.

9 actions designed to improve the study and diagnosis of the elements of remuneration that constitute the gender pay gap are grouped into 2 objectives:

  • To analyze annually and diagnose possible pay gaps between women and men
  • To diagnose the effects of maternity on the remuneration of employees

Examples of actions (extract from the full document)

5 actions designed to promote equality, inclusion and diversity within our university, to guarantee equal opportunities for women and men in access to employment by developing non-gendered communication and by raising awareness among all actors of the effects of gender bias. They are grouped into 2 objectives:

  • To diagnose and develop gender diversity in the workplace
  • Supporting career paths and equal access to professional responsibilities

Examples of actions (extract from the complete document)

13 actions to improve the quality of life at work, targeting tools to help everyone reconcile their professional and personal lives, in particular by supporting parenthood. They are structured around 2 objectives:

  • Adapting the organization of work and working hours
  • Support for parenthood

Examples of actions (extract from the complete document)

7 actions aiming to ensure a serene working environment for both employees and students by organizing the system for fighting against violence, covering both the warning and treatment aspect and the prevention aspect. These actions are organized according to two objectives:

  • Toextend AMU's current system of "fighting against harassment, sexual, sexist and homophobic violence" to the fight against moral harassment, as well as racism and anti-Semitism, and to improve the functioning of the system
  • Train priorityaudiences in the prevention of and fight against discrimination, acts of violence, moral or sexual harassment and gender-based violence

Examples of actions (extract from the complete document)

Action plan
Equality policy
Access to bodies, grades and jobs
Compensation Differences
Fight against violence