The EFEE roadmap in 2020/2021

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The EFEE Roadmap for 2018/2019 was validated by the University Life Training Commission (CFVU) on 12 July 2018.

The EFEE roadmap for 2020/2021 was validated in the University Life Training Commission (CFVU) on July 9th, 2020.

- General approach for the training evaluation in 2020/2021

  • To allow all types of degrees that have already entered the EFEE scheme to continue the process: Bachelor's degrees, Professional Bachelor's degrees, DUT, DFG, DFA, Master's degrees, Engineering degrees, etc.
  • To plan the EFEE approach of components and trainings over the duration of the establishment contract with regard to the 2022 target of indicator IC7 
  • To better integrate into the EFEE approach of each component the time for analysis and reflection around the results
  • To prioritize communication to students regarding improvements in training


- General approach for teachings evaluation in 2020/2021

  • To plan the EE over the duration of the contract: to evaluate a teaching at least twice
  • To prioritize methodological teachings (MTU, P, etc.) 
  • To progressively introduce the evaluation of modules that have implemented APC
  • To initiate an evaluation of pedagogical innovations when they could be tested for at least one year (same thing for the new teachings)


- General timetable (indicative deadlines):

ActionSurvey start dateSurvey closing date
Evaluations in odd-numbered semestersEnd of November 2020February 2021
Evaluations in even-numbered semestersMid-March 2021July 2021




EFEE campaign