
Weset illustration


Project name : WESET
Programme: Erasmus+ Programme
Action: Capacity building
Theme: Wind energy engineering
Key words : Energy, Engineering, Wind power, Mediterranean
Duration: 36 months
Total budget: €1,020,000
Coordinator: University of Valladolid, Spain
Project leader(s): Aziz Naamane, Polytech
Component: Polytech, Aziz Naamane


Knowledge transfer in wind engineering.

The WESET project supports the strategy of modernization, development and internationalization of Egyptian and Tunisian partner institutions in the wind engineering sector. Its mission is to align the Master's degrees with the needs of industry and society and by strengthening the links with European institutions.
Specific modules in Wind Engineering are created to be included in the existing Masters in Engineering. Training materials and experimental laboratories are set up in Egypt and Tunisia to foster the skills of Master's graduates required in the wind energy sector.

Innovative aspect: The project contributes to reducing the shortage of qualified wind engineers in Egypt and Tunisia, which hinders the use of wind as a reliable, cost-effective and non-polluting energy source.

A significant achievement of the project The new programs will enable graduates to join the wind energy industries with solid experience and additional knowledge, which will meet the needs of the industry.

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Erasmus +