Device for authorizing the use of a first name with a right of use

Utilisation du prénom d'usage dans les documents courants

Backed by AMU's LGBTI Commitment Charter adopted in January 2018, the device for authorizing the use of first name and customary civility within the University is open to transgender or intersex students to facilitate their daily lives.

1. Student application form

To benefit from this program, simply send a request by e-mail to the following address

The request form for authorization to use a first name and/or customary civility will be sent in order to obtain a signed attestation.

The issuance of this document will be followed by administrative changes in ENT.

The request can be made throughout the academic year and does not need to be renewed.

The student card can be reissued free of charge by contacting the school concerned.

2 Conditions and limits of the system

The agreement given is valid only within Aix-Marseille University.

This change will be effective on the university e-mail address, on the student card and on internal documents relating to student life.

Students must imperatively inform the school concerned and the Vice President for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination of any change in the civil status register. If this is not the case, Aix Marseille University will not be able to issue the diplomas obtained in accordance with the change made in the civil status register concerning the gender and, if applicable, the new first name.

This request will in no case allow the change of first name and/or civil status on official or solemn documents such as official diplomas, transcripts, certificates of achievement, or individual decisions giving rights. In fact, the use of this first name does not mean a change of first name in the civil status, which remains the prerogative of the civil registrar (article 60 of the Civil Code). The same is true for the mention of gender.

Diplomas can be issued without mentioning the person's civil status, but only at the request of the person concerned.

3. Provisions for university staff

Aix-Marseille University staff who wish to benefit from an equivalent system must contact the Central HRD directly ">

Training (prevention and awareness of LGBTIphobia): registration on GEFORP

Contact information

Vice President for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination

first name customary civility customary
violence harassment
change in marital status
transition school registration
intersex transgender