Sustainable Development Goals

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, table below) are major issues of this century, Signed at the UN, they aim to build and implement the world of tomorrow on very broad topics such as the environment, health, poverty, education, economy, social sciences and humanities, law, relations with socio-economic actors, etc.

If the operational aspects of the SDGs are important and already steered by the SD Department of AMU, the research and training aspects are no less essential. The successful implementation of these SDGs inevitably requires interdisciplinarity and, to this end, must call upon all AMU's disciplinary sectors, without forgetting innovation, relations with the socio-economic world and international cooperation, particularly with the countries of the South.

Interdisciplinary training and research are therefore essential to the success of these SDGs. They represent an opportunity to set up a transverse transdisciplinary axis in the field of training, research and relations with the socio-economic world, in connection with our international partners (notably CIVIS).

In this context and in collaboration with the Vice President for SD, the objectives of this mission are mainly to :

- Make the SDGs known: the priority being to promote within the community interdisciplinary flagship projects, within the community,
- Take stock of initiatives to implement the SDGs in research and training;
- Create opportunities for teachers reasearchers and researchers to work with post-docs and students from different disciplines and faculties (around case studies and concrete research and/or training projects), in order to allow for a better consideration of the SDGs.

The SDGs:(

n° :

Title and main objective


No poverty: economic growth must be shared to create sustainable jobs and promote equality


Zero hunger: the food and agriculture sector offers key solutions for development and is central to the eradication of hunger and poverty


Good health and well-being: enabling healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages is essential for sustainable development


Quality education: achieving quality education is the foundation for improving people's lives and sustainable development


Gender equality: Gender equality is not only a basic human right, but also a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world


Clean water and sanitation: Clean and accessible water for all is an essential part of the world we want to live in


Clean and affordable energy: sustainable energy is an opportunity to transform lives, economies and the planet


Decent work and economic growth: We need to review and reshape our economic and social policies to completely eliminate poverty


Industry, innovation and infrastructure: Investment in infrastructure is essential to achieve sustainable development


Reduced inequality: Reducing inequality within and between countries


Sustainable cities and communities: the future we want includes cities that offer great opportunities for all


Sustainable consumption and production: Sustainable consumption and production is about "doing more and better with less


Climate change: combating global warming has become an integral part of achieving sustainable development


Aquatic life: careful management of our oceans and seas is vital for a sustainable future


Land life: deforestation and desertification pose major challenges to sustainable development


Peace, justice and effective institutions: promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice for all and strengthening accountable and effective institutions at all levels


Partnerships to achieve the goals: inclusive partnerships built on principles and values, a shared vision and common goals are needed


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Interdisciplinarity Mission(s)
Sustainable Development Goals