Skills assessment

Bilan de compétences

Aix-Marseille University has a Competence Assessment Centre, approved by the main financiers and having obtained ISO 9001 certification in 2016. The skills assessment allows you to identify your professional and personal skills as well as to analyse your aptitudes and motivations in order to define a professional and/or training project. The assessment takes place over a period of 2 to 3 months, during which you are monitored by a consultant, and you alternate between interview time (17 hours in total) and independent work.

1. Benefits of the skills balance sheet

It enables companies to better understand their skills capital for better management of staff career paths. It enables employees to better manage their careers or to better anticipate their professional reconversion. It allows the beneficiary to take part in a professional approach:

  • Analyze his professional and personal skills
  • To identify his aptitudes and motivations
  • To define a professional project and, if necessary, a training project

2. The target audiences

Our centre is aimed at employees, either at the employer's initiative, as part of the training plan, or as part of a skills assessment leave, at the employee's initiative. Our centre is also open to self-employed workers, whatever their sector of activity, their level of qualification (self-employed workers, liberal professions, tradesmen, craftsmen, etc.).

3. Financing of your assessment

For employees, the skills assessment is fully covered by OPACIF or by the employer, at no additional cost to the employee. It is also possible to mobilize his Personal Training Account (CPF).

4. Our services

Our assessment consultants are professionals from continuing education, psychology, education sciences and human resources. Our assessment centre has methods adapted to each situation, using tools validated by a team of qualified counsellors. We carry out individual skills assessments.

5. Conduct of the balance sheet

The total duration of the skills assessment is 24 hours. The skills assessment takes place in three distinct phases:

Phase 1: Preliminary analysis Phase 2: investigation Phase 3: conclusions
  • Analysis of your request and your needs
  • Information on the conditions of the event
  • Definition of objectives
  • Commitment, contractualization
  • Analysis of your personal and professional background
  • Exploration and evaluation of your acquired knowledge, identification of your skills and aptitudes
  • Identifying your interests, motivations, inspirations, etc.
  • Examination of your development possibilities
  • Knowledge of professional fields, training courses, etc.
  • Identification of career development opportunities
  • Restitution and analysis of results
  • Development of an action plan that includes implementation steps to carry out the project
  • Submission of a confidential summary document

4. Organizing your employee skills assessment

Case n°1: company/employee agreement

A company may decide to set up skills assessments for its employees, with their consent. A tripartite agreement recalling their respective obligations must be signed between :

  • The beneficiary employee
  • The organisation providing a skills assessment
  • The company

The employee has a period of 10 days to indicate his acceptance by returning to the employer the agreement he has signed, preceded by the words "read and approved". If the employee does not reply within this time limit, this is equivalent to a refusal on his or her part. The results of the balance sheet are the property of the employee, who alone may decide whether they are to be communicated to a third party, the content to be transmitted and the form of the return. The expenses incurred in drawing up skills assessments (costs and remuneration) are chargeable to the company's training budget.

Case 2: Personal Training Account (PTA)

The personal training account (CPF), which is credited in hours, can be used by any employee, throughout his or her working life, to follow qualifying training and carry out a skills assessment. The CPF has replaced the Individual Training Entitlement (DIF). For a full-time employee, the account is credited for 24 hours per work year until the acquisition of a credit of 120 hours, then 12 hours per work year, up to a total limit of 150 hours. Thus, when it reaches 150 hours, the account is no longer funded. In practice, a full-time employee will acquire 120 hours in 5 years, then the remaining 30 hours in 2.5 years.

Within the framework of the CPF, if you are planning to carry out your skills assessment on working time, you must send a written request to this effect to your company at least 60 days before the start of the skills assessment. The employer has one month to respond to your request. In the event of a refusal, which must be made within this period at the latest, the employer must give reasons for his reply, which must also be in writing.

If you plan to do your skills assessment outside working hours, you do not have to ask your employer's agreement and you can use your training hours freely. In this case, you must contact directly the OPACIF (Fongecif, Unifaf, Uniformation, Afdas...) on which your company depends.

The results of this assessment of competence are given to you by the service provider. You decide whether the summary document is forwarded to the employer or not.

Case n°3: Skills assessment leave

If you want to carry out a skills assessment without financing your company, you can do so during a skills assessment leave. This assessment can be carried out during working time, in which case the employee must apply to his or her employer for authorization to take time off work, or outside working time, in which case the employee is not required to inform his or her employer. In order to be able to benefit from a skills assessment leave, certain conditions must be met and a specific procedure must be followed:

Conditions of access

  • Proof of 5 years of salaried activity, consecutive or not, including 12 months in the company (3 years for employees of craft companies with less than 10 employees, including one year in the company, 3 years for employees in the hospital civil service).
  • Respect a 5-year deductible period between two balance sheets, except in the event of a change of employer.

Implementation procedure

  • Choice of assessment service provider: to obtain coverage for his skills assessment leave, the employee must find a service provider on a list drawn up by the Joint Collecting Body Approved for Individual Training Leave (OPACIF) to which he belongs.
  • Request for absence authorisation from the employer: this request must only be made if the employee wishes to carry out the balance sheet on his working time.
  • The application must be received no later than 60 days before the start of the assessment. The employee must inform the employee in writing of his or her response within 30 days of receiving the request.
  • The employer may not refuse the application if the employee meets all the requirements, but may postpone it for a maximum of 6 months for reasons of service.
  • Signature of the tripartite agreement: a tripartite agreement, reminding the signatories of their respective obligations, is drawn up between the beneficiary employee, the organisation providing the skills assessment and the OPACIF.

Processing of the submission of a funding application to OPACIF

The employer pays the contribution intended to finance the Individual Training Leave.

  • The OPACIF accepts or refuses the coverage :
  • In case of acceptance, OPACIF reimburses the employee's remuneration to the employer and takes charge of all or part of the costs.
  • In case of refusal, the employee has 2 months after notification of the refusal to file an appeal to the OPACIF.

>>> Consult the flyer of the Skills Assessment

skills assessment
professional reorientation
skills assessment leave