Research ethics and scientific integrity

As a doctoral student, you are committed to both training and working as a researcher.

Article 3, paragraph 3 of the Order of 25 May 2016 establishing the national training framework and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma stipulates that Doctoral schools "ensure that each doctoral student receives training in research ethics and scientific integrity". In this context, compulsory training courses have been set up one on research ethics and the other on scientific integrity in research professions. By decision of all the EDs gathered within the doctoral college, the validation of these 2 trainings will be a prerequisite for the authorization to defend your thesis (for doctoral students who started their thesis from September 2017).

  • Research:

According to the European Charter for Researchers (2005), Researchers (all persons professionally engaged in Research and Development at any stage of their career and regardless of their classification) s should focus their research on the good of mankind and theextension of frontières of scientific knowledgewhile enjoying the liberté from pensée and expressionas well as the freedoḿ from déterminer the méthodes that allow the résolution of problèmes, according to the practices and principles éthiques recognised.

In addition, by signing the Doctoral Charter the doctoral student and his/her thesis director(s) undertake to respect the national charter of ethics for research professions signed by French higher education and research institutions and to respect the Aix-Marseille University charter relating to the fight against plagiarism.


To help you

The Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity Officer at the Doctoral College is there to answer your questions on these topics.