Follow-up of AMU students' training paths

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The studies of AMU students' training paths conducted by the Observatory of Student Life consist of identifying and analyzing student trajectories, either in terms of reorientation during the bachelor's degree or in terms of further study at the end of the bachelor's degree cycle.

1. One-year follow-up of L3 students enrolled in a Science and Technology mention

The objective of this follow-up is to know the orientation choices at the end of a L3 in Sciences and Technologies. For each mention, the results specify the success rate in L3, the re-enrollment rate in an AMU program, the share of pursuits towards a Bac + 5 diploma and the disciplinary mobility rate if applicable. These results are completed for each mention by a listing of the study pursuits within AMU.

2. Reorientation after a PACES enrolment: the 2010/2011 cohort

At the request of the SUIO and the Health UFRs of Aix Marseille University, the Observatory of Student Life conducted a follow-up of students enrolled in PACES 1 in 2010/2011 and in 2011/2012 to better understand the types of further studies carried out by these students within the university.

The objective of this study was to better understand the situations of reorientation in case of failure in the competitive examination, to identify the fields most concerned by these reorientations and to measure the success of these students once reoriented.

3. Entering university: the figures of a gradual adjustment

Qualitative study conducted as part of a joint CROUS-University project in 2009-2011 with neo-baccalaureate students enrolled in a Bachelor's degree in Arts, Literature, Languages, Humanities. The field survey by semi-directive interviews allowed the follow-up of about thirty neo-baccalaureate students over nearly two academic years.

4. Implementation of a tracking and guiding tutorial in L1

Phase 2 (experimentation) of the Hirsch 147 project. Report presenting the methodological assessment of the experimentation conducted in phase 2 of the Hirsch 147 project in L1 French Language and Literature and L1 Art History and Archaeology

5. Entry into L1 in Science and Technology in 2012/2013

A school start survey conducted among new entrants to L1 Sciences and Technologies to identify motivations in the choice of the course of study and of the study site, and to identify living conditions

6. Becoming of 2009/2010 ALLSH Bachelor's degree graduates

The objectives pursued through this study are, on one hand, to identify the types of trajectories carried out at the end of the ALLSH Bachelor's degree cycle, and on the other hand, to explore the feasibility of a perennial follow-up device allowing the establishment of indicators on the postgraduates future and the providing of qualitative information on the students' paths. This note is part of a collective document from the Working Group on Higher Education (GTES) "Master's students' training paths" (Relief n°46, May 2014)


7. Academic follow-up of 2008 baccalaureate holders enrolled in university at the start of the 2009/2010 academic year

What happens to new baccalaureate holders one year after they enter higher education?
The purpose of this study is to describe the one-year becoming of a cohort of new baccalaureate holders who entered the 2008-2009 academic year in Aix-Marseille Academy post-baccalaureate programs under the MENJVA (STS, CPGE, IUT, University) supervision. The challenge was twofold: to identify the typical pathways followed at the end of a first year in the Academy's post-Bac programs, and to describe the reality of so-called "dropout" situations and what they concretely cover for the new baccalaureate graduates who left these programs.

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