My transport impact

Comparateur éco-déplacement

The eco-trip comparator compares the impact of different modes of transport on a journey. It estimates energy consumption and CO2 emissions (the main greenhouse gas) for a journey of up to 10,000 km by comparing the different possible modes. Find the link opposite.

Datagir is a free public service provided by ADEME and the DINUM incubator

Their mission is to disseminate ADEME's open-data environmental information and data to encourage continuous improvement and innovation. To do this, they support all applications and services in their responsible approach by appropriating and integrating this data in order to bring information closer to citizens.

Discover the impact of your travel on the climate! Open data for a less CO2 emitting mobility

My transport impact

My transport impact - Telecommuting

Useful links

Compare auto-displacement :

sustainable development
CO2 impact