DDD - Sustainable Development Department

1. Missions

The Sustainable Development Department (DDD) implements Aix Marseille University's political commitment to ambitiously adopt a sustainable development approach. In order to fulfil its mission in coordination with national legislation (Grenelle Law, Green Plan), it coordinates and supports services, provides expertise and regulatory monitoring, in permanent contact with institutions. It identifies sustainable development actions and prepares documents specific to sustainable development. The objective is that the sustainable development approach be impregnated and taken into account by all university actors (staff and students) in each daily action, in the workplace or at school. To this end, the Sustainable Development Department works in collaboration with them.

Organigramme politique et operation


2. Sustainable Development Policy Council (SDPC)

The Sustainable Development Orientation Council is created to:

  • Contribute to the development of the action plan and the green plan for Sustainable Development in accordance with the four-year contract of establishment and the national strategy for sustainable development,
  • Monitor its successful deployment,
  • Development and monitoring of indicators
  • Examine files for presentation to governance for arbitration on university orientations



Contact information

Sustainable Development Department
Marseille centre campus - Saint Charles site
3 place Victor Hugo - box n°28
13331 Marseille cedex 03
E-mail: dvpt-durable-contact@univ-amu.fr

  • Nelly Donneaud - Sustainable Development Director - Tel: +33(0)4 13 55 02 66
  • Brigitte Faye - Assistant and Project Coordinator - Tel: +33(0)4 13 55 55 05 20
  • Magali Muller - Assistant and Project Coordinator - Tel: +33(0)4 13 55 55 02 68
  • Véronique Calleya - Secretariat - Tel: +33(0)4 13 55 02 65
sustainable development
green plan