CHSCT - Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee

  • Creation and implementation of the CHSCT

The CHSCT (health, safety and working conditions committee) of Aix Marseille University was created by a decree of 24 April 2012 and a constitutional order of 2 July 2012.

  • Competences of the CHSCT

One of the main measures of the agreement of 20 November 2009 on health and safety at work is to have added competence on working conditions to the committee's competences on health and safety. This concept of working conditions covers the following areas:

- Work organization (workload, pace, arduousness of tasks, broadening and enriching tasks),
- The physical work environment (temperature, lighting, ventilation, noise, dust),
- The layout of workstations and their adaptation to human beings,
- The construction, layout and maintenance of workplaces and their annexes,
- New technologies and their impact on working conditions.

  • Missions of the CHSCT

The CHSCT has a certain number of prerogatives in terms of observing the implementation of health and safety provisions, analysing work situations and making risk prevention proposals.

  • Groups visiting premises and sites

The purpose of these visits is to observe working and hygiene conditions and identify what can be improved, make recommendations to the heads of department and propose preventive actions that can be included in the annual prevention plan.


Health, Safety and Working Conditions Committee