CFVU - Commission for Education and University Life (DEVE)

The Commission on Education and University Life comprises 40 members, including 32 members representing teacher-researchers, teachers, researchers and students, 4 members representing B.I.A.T.S.S. staff and 4 members representing outside personalities.

The Commission is consulted on the guidelines for initial and continuing training courses, on applications for authorisation and plans for new courses and on the evaluation of courses. It prepares measures to implement student guidance and the validation of prior learning, to facilitate students' entry into working life, to promote cultural, sporting, social or associative activities offered to students and to improve their living and working conditions.

In particular, it examines measures relating to support activities, academic and social works, medical and social services, libraries and documentation centres. It is the guarantor of student political and trade union freedoms. It may be consulted by the President on the conditions of use of the premises, on the composition and modus operandi of the Pedagogical Commission responsible for examining requests for validation of prior learning. Finally, the commission may issue wishes.

Under the same conditions as the Vice-President of the CFVU, it elects from among its members its Student Vice-President responsible for student life issues in connection with the Regional Centres for University and School Works. The Commission for Education and University Life establishes its rules of procedure by an absolute majority of the votes cast.

Commission on Training and University Life