AMU INFO - Special COVID19 - n°12

Newsletter from the President of Aix-Marseille University to the entire university community.

Friday 15 May 2020,

Dear colleagues,

While the national deconfinement has allowed us to move more freely for the past week, we are now ready to begin the 2nd phase of our business recovery plan.

Today we have just completed the preparation of our sites to be reopened for some activities. Many thanks to all our colleagues in logistics and technical services, in particular, who have mobilized. The very gradual return to the office, in complete health and safety for some of you, is therefore possible from Monday 18 May, as agreed.

I remind you, teleworking is still the rule in our Business Resumption Plan (BRP). You must signify your wish for any return, which must be accepted and organized by your hierarchy, itself in conjunction with the person in charge of your campus or with the DGS for central services. It is a matter of good organization, without taking health risks, for the health of all.

A document explaining the principles of our PRA mentions very clearly the health instructions, which I thank you again for respecting.

I have conveyed to you the thanks that the Minister of ESRI has addressed to all academics for our unfailing commitment over the past two months.
I myself would like to salute your energy at the service of students to guarantee their e-learning without compromising their future, your combativeness in research to try to fight against the virus, your generosity to organize many solidarity actions for the benefit of all, whether for students, colleagues in difficulty, healthcare personnel, or any colleague needing to maintain social ties in the face of the sudden stop in our ordinary rhythms. This mobilization has been taken up and commented on several times by the press and welcomed by many actors from all walks of life.
Truly, this ordeal will have demonstrated the strength of our AMU community to overcome the difficulties, without losing the course of our public service missions or the human values we hold dear.

I am proud of your resilience, your creative solidarity and your professional commitment, which must now be put to work to ensure the success of our recovery plan.

Always take good care of yourself.

1. The main principles of the Business Resumption Plan (BRP)

Respecting the key words "progressiveness and voluntariness", the main principles of our PRA were developed in collaboration between members of the governance, the components and directorates, the research units and widely discussed and shared with the members of the CHSCT. They are therefore the result of a co-construction with the staff representatives of this body. This is a great strength for AMU.

Everyone's health is our priority. Therefore, we distribute 4 barrier masks per AMU colleague, hosted in a structure that is under AMU's responsibility; hydro-alcoholic gel and soap are available; special and regular cleaning of the premises is organised; plexiglass are installed for the places that are welcoming to the public . You will find details of our sanitary measures and all instructions for use and behaviour to adopt in the following document "Grands principes du PRA". It also specifies our principles for the resumption of research activities, missions abroad, hosted structures, student internships in companies, cleaning of the premises and supervision procedures for team leaders during this particular period: document "Grands principes du PRA".

2. What management of working time and leave now?

Teleworking remains the rule and must be encouraged for all tasks that allow it. At the same time, face-to-face work will be organised from Monday 18 May, gradually and on a voluntary basis. Not all activities are teleworkable and the need for continuity of service must be taken into account. This return to our premises must be prepared and included in a schedule, no colleague should go to the site on his own initiative or without informing his hierarchy.
In this context, depending on your personal situation, you will be placed or maintained on a Special Absence Authorisation (ASA).
If you have questions about your situation and its consequences, if you have questions about the organisation of working time and holidays, find the complete note of the HRD online in the FAQ dedicated to staff.

3. The AMU community manages the crisis - Seen in the press

Your work, your commitments, our decisions, your generosity... everything we have implemented together has not remained secret or confidential. Several hundred articles in the national, local, general and specialized press have reported on the actions of our community. Here are some of them:

This review is not exhaustive but reflects our commitment.

Many thanks to all of you.

Let's continue our actions and we will succeed in our business recovery, just as we managed the crisis in confinement: by remaining united.

Always take great care of yourself, and of everyone else.

Take great care of yourselves and everyone else.

Éric Berton

President of Aix-Marseille University

Eric Berton
AMU Info 12
Information for staff and students
coronavirus covid19
PRA business recovery