Acting Together

Logo du label "Agir Ensemble"

Aix-Marseille University and all the partners it has mobilised around the project received the Agir Ensemble 2019-2020 label on 21 October 2019.
This label affirms the university's commitment to act throughout the year for local alliances in the service of sustainable development in sustainable territories.

At the national level, eight organisations federated around the "Agir Ensemble" scheme (ADEME, AVUF, Banque des Territoires, CGE, Cirses, Cnous, CPU, MGEN, Refedd) award the label.
At the local level, AMU coordinates the "Agir Ensemble" COPIL, made up of the Ecole Centrale Marseille, the CROUS Aix-Marseille Avignon, the Métropole Aix-Marseille Provence, our social and solidarity economy partners CASDEN, MAIF, MGEN, and France Nature Environnement (FNE).

Agir Ensemble has three main ambitions:

  • To create and consolidate local alliances between local actors around the energy transition and to enable the emergence of shared actions between actors.
  • To give impetus and visibility to the action of local actors in the field of energy transition through the sharing of experience and to empower territories in the construction and implementation of actions by offering them adapted support.
  • Valuing co-constructed local actions and innovative practices in terms of user mobilization

This Agir Ensemble Label commits our territory on 3 main axes with an action plan for the year 2019/2020 :

  • Fight against food waste
  • Student/Citizen Engagement
  • Organisation of awareness-raising actions and DD/RS highlights in AMU and its territories

The first step in the implementation of this action plan will be the "Acting Together Week".
A week of awareness-raising that will take place from 20 to 27 November 2020 during the European Week for Waste Reduction.

Ask for the programme!

Logos COPIL + partenaires

Financé par la CVEC
The CVEC made it possible to finance new activities, including an in-house laundry workshop, the installation of an educational ashtray on the Aix campus and an introduction to the Climate Fresco.


Contact information

Sustainable Development Department

act together
durable development